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Collapse DM506 - Minutes and papers relating to Bristol Medical School, Bristol Day Training College, Bristol Educational Society, University College Bristol and the University of BristolDM506 - Minutes and papers relating to Bristol Medical School, Bristol Day Training College, Bristol Educational Society, University College Bristol and the University of Bristol
1 - Bristol Medical School Committee Minute Book
2 - Bristol Medical School Committee Minute Book
3 - University College Bristol: Income and Expenditure, 1876-1901: Audited Statements
4 - University College Bristol: donations and subscriptions
5 - University College Bristol: sustentation fund (part 1 of 2)
6 - University College Bristol: sustentation fund (part 2 of 2)
7 - University College Bristol: rough minute book: Council and Committees
8 - University College Bristol: Register of Governors
9 - University College Bristol: notes of donors and subscribers
10 - University College Bristol: index to, and abstracts from the Minutes of Council and the Local Executive Committee
11 - University College Bristol: index of certificates
12 - University College Bristol: Minutes Index
13 - University College Bristol: Salaries
14 - University College Bristol: House Committee Minutes
15 - University College Bristol: Gilchrist Trust Local Lecture Committee Minutes
15a - University College Bristol: Minutes of Building Committee
16 - University College Bristol: Catherine Winkworth Scholarships Fund
Expand 17 - Printed pamphlets relating to the history of University College Bristol and the University of Bristol17 - Printed pamphlets relating to the history of University College Bristol and the University of Bristol
18 - University College Bristol: Sustentation fund donations and subscriptions
19 - University College Bristol: Canvassing Committee Minutes
20 - University College Bristol: 'Where is it?'
21 - Bristol University College Club: Minutes
22 - Bristol University College Club: Committee Minutes
23 - Bristol University College Club: Sub-Committee Minutes
24 - Bristol University College Club: Chairman's Minute Book
25 - University College Bristol: John Stewart Scholarships Fund
26 - University College Bristol: Education Board Minute Book, and the Faculty of Arts and Science Minutes
27 - University College Bristol: Capital Fund Donations
28 - Bristol Medical Cricket and Football Club Minute Book
29 - University College Bristol: Medical and Chemical Departments Sub-Committee Minute Book
30 - University College Bristol: Engineering, Physical and Mathematics Departments Sub-Committee Minute Book
31 - University College Bristol: Biological, Geological and Botanical Departments Sub-Committee Minute Book
32 - University College Bristol: Faculty of Arts and Science Minute Book
33 - University College Bristol: Women's Literary Society Minute Book
34 - University College Bristol: Bristol Medical Clubs' Union Minutes
35 - University College Bristol: University Extension Lectures on Architecture, Painting and Fine Arts Committee, Minute Book
36 - University College Bristol: Faculty of Arts and Science Minute Book
37 - University College Bristol: Building Committee for Anatomy and Bacteriology Minute Book
38 - University College Bristol: House Committee Minute Book. 2.
39 - University College Bristol: Library Committee Minute Book
40 - University College Bristol: Secondary Training Department Minute Book
41 - University College Bristol: Department of Economic Biology Minute Book
42 - The University of Bristol. Petition (copy). Petition of Citizens (copy). Charter (draft).
43 - University College Bristol: University Union's Central Committee Minute Book
44 - Correspondence and papers of C. E. Greenall relating to University of Bristol hostels
45 - Correspondence and papers of C. E. Greenall relating to University of Bristol hostels
46 - University of Bristol: Bristol Day Training College for Men, C. E. Greenall's agreement with the Local Committee and Isambard Owen concerning boarding houses
47 - C. E. Greenall's correspondence on rents, terms and repairs for University of Bristol boarding houses
48 - University of Bristol: Bristol Day Training College for Men, inventories for hostels at 42 Canynge Road and 5 and 7 Percival Road
49 - University of Bristol: Bristol Day Training College for Men, correspondence concerning C. E. Greenall discussing fixtures and costs for hostels in Canynge Road and Percival Road
50 - University of Bristol: Bristol Day Training College for Men, correspondence concerning leases and tenancies of hostels at 42 Canynge Road and 5 and 7 Percival Road
51 - University of Bristol: Bristol Day Training College for Men hostels, papers relating to disputes between Greenall and the University
52 - Notes on University College, Bristol employees
53 - Rough notes relating to furniture and equipment in the University College, Bristol, 1894-1906
54 - University College, Bristol: Local Executive Committee Minute Book [1]
55 - University College, Bristol: Local Executive Committee Minute Book 2
56 - University College, Bristol: Local Executive Committee Minute Book 3
57 - University College, Bristol: Council Minute Book [1]
58 - University College, Bristol: Council Minute Book 2
59 - University College, Bristol: Council Minute Book 3
60 - Bristol Medical School: Monthly Meetings: Minute Book
61 - University College Bristol: Educational Board Minute Book 1
62 - University College Bristol: Educational Board Minute Book 2
63 - University College Bristol: Educational Board Minute Book 3
64 - Bristol Educational Society Minute Book
65 - Design by Charles Hansom for the University College Bristol buildings
66 - Photograph of Lewis Fry

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