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Collapse DM104 - Deeds of Kingswood Abbey, GloucestershireDM104 - Deeds of Kingswood Abbey, Gloucestershire
1 - Grant of lands in Culkerton
2 - Sale of lands in Culkerton
3 - Grant of lands in Cherletune
4 - Grant of lands in Cherletune
5 - Grant of lands in Cherletune
6 - Inspeximus by Otto, Cardinal Dean of St Nicholas
7 - Lease of lands in Culcretun
8 - Grant of lands in Chirintun
9 - Grant of lands in Culcretun
10 - Grant of land in Culcretun
11 - Grant of the liberty of Osleworthe
12 - Cellarer's accounts
12a - Cellarer's accounts: digital images of details
13 - Bursar's accounts
14 - Grant of lands in Simundshale
15 - Grant of lands at Simundshale
16 - Grant of land in Culcreton
17 - Grant of land in Osleworth
18 - Lease of lands in Culcreton
19 - Lease of land in Chirintune
20 - Grant of land in Newington
21 - Grant of land in Bowcot
22 - Grant of land in Bollecote, manor of Newynton
23 - Grand of land in Bowcot
24 - List of wages paid by Kingswood Abbey
25 - Lists of receipts and expenses
26 - List of expenses
27 - Grant of rents from lands in La Egge and Pokhampton
28 - Grant of land in Nywenton
29 - Agreement with St Bartholomew's Hospital, Gloucester, exchanging lands
30 - Agreement with Thomas de Haslecote, exchanging land
31 - Lease of land in Rodmarton
32 - Grant of land in Culcreton
33 - Accounts of William de Cumb, warden of the granges
34 - Grant of a burgage in Sodbury
35 - Grant of hay from Aukesbury
36 - Grant of lands in Caldecote
37 - Petition to the King from the monks of Kingswood, concerning enclosure
38 - Agreement between William de Swonhunger and John Seriaunt
39 - Grant of lands in Overstone, Netterstone, and Woodford
40 - Memorandum concerning land in Osleworth and La Home
41 - Account of the Cellarer of Bagg and Hull
42 - Cellarer's accounts
43 - Grant of lands in Culkerton
44 - Lease of land in Colkerton
45 - Account of Brother Walter, Granger of Egge
46 - List of enquiries to be made about Kingswood Abbey's title to various properties
47 - Deed listing donations made to Kingswood Abbey
48 - Letter of John, Prior of Worcester regarding exemption from tithes
49 - Rental
50 - Notes about the history of Kingswood Abbey

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