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DM1306 - Brunel Collection
1 - Papers relating to the Thames Tunnel
2 - Personal papers and sketch books of Isambard Kingdom Brunel
3 - Great Western Railway papers
4 - Atmospheric railways
5 - Miscellaneous papers
6 - Letters from Isambard Kingdom Brunel
7 - Letters from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to Thomas Guppy
8 - Letters to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
9 - 9
10 - Letters to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
11 - Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the SS Great Eastern
1 - Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the SS Great Eastern
2 - Volume labelled Contracts/Engineer's Copy/Eas.St.Nav.Co containing copies of contracts relating to the construction of the S.S. Great Eastern
3 - 'Eastern Steam Navigation Papers'
4 - Progress reports in draft form
5 - Draft of a letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to James Booth
6 - Memorandum in Isambard Kingdom Brunel's hand, of a verbal report made to the Directors and a small meeting of the Principal Proprietors
7 - Letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to Captain Claxton
8 - Memorandum of Mr Brunel sent with letter to Mr Russell
9 - Eastern Steam Navigation Company and Messrs John Scott Russell and Co.
10 - Preliminary experiments, ship's trials, etc.
11 - Job applications
12 - Bills and accounts
13 - List of shareholders, Eastern Steam Navigation Company
14 - Applications to visit the SS Great Eastern
14a - Great Ship Company Ltd. Contracts and Schedules
15 - Completion of ship
16 - Legal
17 - Printed material
18 - Drawings of parts of a Brunel ship, probably the Great Eastern
19 - Miscellaneous
19 - Sketches of Otis Tufts (US) patented system of shipbuilding for the sides of thehull, & decks, as affixed to the specification
20 - Correspondence
21 - Fixtures and fittings
1 - Anchors
2 - Bolts
3 - Capstan chain holders
4 - Chains
5 - Coal
6 - Crab winches
7 - Crank-shaft
1 - Letter from Bradford Leslie to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
2 - Letter from W. L. E. McLean of the Lancefield Forge Company to John Yates, secretary of the Eastern Steam Navigation Company
3 - Telegram message sent from Bradford Leslie at the Lancefield Forge, Glasgow, to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
4 - Letter from Bradford Leslie to W. L. E. McLean of the Lancefield Forge Company, Glasgow
5 - Letter from the Mersey Steel and Iron Company to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
6 - Letter from W. L. E. McLean of the Lancefield Forge Co to Bradford Leslie
7 - Letter from W. L. E. McLean of the Lancefield Forge Company, Glasgow, to Bradford Leslie
8 - Letter from W. L. E. McLean of the Lancefield Forge to Bradford Leslie
9 - Letter from Bradford Leslie to Joseph Bennett, Isambard Kingdom Brunel's assistant
10 - Letter from Joseph Bennett, Isambard Kingdom Brunel's assistant, to Bradford Leslie
11 - Letter from W. L. E. McLean of the Lancefield Forge Company to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
12 - Letter from W. L. E. McLean of the Lancefield Forge to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
13 - Letter from Henry Wise, manager of the Thames Iron Works and Ship Building Company Limited, to George D. Kittoe, chief engineer of the SS Great Eastern
14 - Letter from Henry Wise, manager of the Thames Iron Works and Ship Building Company Limited, to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
8 - Fittings
9 - Hydraulic presses
10 - Iron sections
11 - Ironwork
12 - Kentledge
13 - Launching rails
14 - Launching ways
15 - Life Boats
16 - Masts etc.
17 - Screw Engines
18 - Straw Board
19 - Wooden slabs for bulkheads
22 - Inventions offered to Isambard Kingdom Brunel for use on the Great Eastern
23 - Inventions offered to Isambard Kingdom Brunel for launching the SS Great Eastern
24 - Unidentified items and fragments
25 - Unidentified items relating to the SS Great Eastern
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