Description | Minutes of meetings of the University College Bristol Council, signed by the Chairman. These minutes chronicle the establishment and administration of the College; and include minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Governors. Includes agreement between the University College and the Medical School to amalgamate, April 1893 (p96-118); amalgamation of the libraries of the Bristol Medical Society and the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society, May 1893 (p126, p133); financial and staffing affairs; statistics of students studying; scholarships including the Catherine Winkworth Scholarship and the John Stewart Scholarship. Also includes agreements between the University College and the Society of Merchant Venturers, 19 May 1897 (p246); appeal for an increased Treasury Grant for University College Bristol, February 1898 (p.273); discussion of appointment of a Lady Tutor to oversee women students, November 1899 (p.301), Miss M Rosamond Earle was appointed in October 1899; establishment of the University College Colston Society to endow Chairs and carry out other work in memory of Edward Colston, May 1899 (p304); and relations between the University College and the Merchant Venturers Technical College for engineering and other subjects, May 1899 (p308). Annual reports (printed) of Council to the Governors give a useful summary of the work in a given year. Printed agreement from representatives of University College Bristol to representatives of the Merchant Venturer's Training College to join, June 1900 (p 375), November 1901 (p387). By February 1902 discussion is taking place for establishment of a University of Bristol and the West of England. |