Description | DM2831 George Hutton Potts Collection.
George Frederick Cumming Hutton Potts (1864-1937) was a successful business man in Shanghai and Hong Kong. He was born in Bedale, Yorkshire, England, on 16 April 1864 and educated at Harrow School. George Hutton Potts was a stock broker and one of the founders of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, later becoming the Chairman. He played many sports, rowed, owned race horses, sailing yachts and, later in his life, racing cars. He was a member of the Hong Kong Jockey Club and Chairman of the Macao Race Club. Hutton Potts volunteered in the Shanghai Mounted Scouts and Hong Kong Volunteer Maxim-Gun Corps. George Hutton Potts married Esme 'Dolly' Stuart Wallace in Shanghai in 1906, and the couple had three children (George Ronald Hutton-Potts, Reginald Hutton-Potts, Jack Yuan Hutton-Potts), all born in Shanghai. G.F.C. Hutton Potts died in Shantou (Swatow), Guangdong, China, on 4 January 1937.
The collection consists of 16 photograph albums, 5 scapbook albums, loose photographs, a Kodak No 5 Cartridge camera, Model F (used by Hutton Potts to take many of the photographs in the collection), a brass pocket aneroid barometer (altimeter) made by Charles J. Gaupp & Co., Hong Kong; 'A Shorter Ego' by James Agate (2 vols, 1946); and papers. The collection includes material material relating to Jack Yuan Hutton-Potts (1913-1998): his marriage in 1939; photographs of drawings of daily life at prisoner of war and internment camps, Hong Kong; motor racing at Brooklands etc; Nigeria (Groundnut Scheme). These digital images are on the Historical Photographs of China web site: Historical Photographs of China ref: Po.
Photographs. DM2831/1: Loose photographs and negatives (Historical Photographs of China refs: Po-s and Po-n). DM2831/2: Photograph album. Photographs taken in Beijing, c.1901, attributed to George Frederick Cumming Hutton Potts (1864-1937) (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po02). DM2831/3: Photograph album. Photographs taken in China, c.1902 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po03). DM2831/4: Photograph album 'Sunny Memories'. Photographs taken in China and Hong Kong, as well as elsewhere, c.1905-1913 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po04). DM2831/5: Photograph album. Photographs taken in China and UK, 1905 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po05). DM2831/6: Photograph album. Photographs taken in China and Korea, c.1907 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po06). DM2831/7: Photograph album. Photographs taken in China and UK, c.1908 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po07). DM2831/8: Photograph album. Photographs taken in China, Russia and UK, c.1910 - c.1920s (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po08). DM2831/9: Photograph album. Photographs taken in Qingdao and Shanghai, c.1911 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po09). DM2831/10: Photograph album. Photographs taken in Qingdao and Shanghai, 1912 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po10). DM2831/11: Photograph album. Photographs taken in UK, China and Lake Loiuse, Canadian Rockies, 1915-1917 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po11). DM2831/12: Photograph album. Photographs and some mounted negatives, taken in Suez Canal, China and UK, 1915-1926 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po12). DM2831/13: Photograph album. Photographs taken in China and UK, 1905-1921 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po13). DM2831/14: Photograph album. Photographs taken in Hong Kong, 1936-1937 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po14). DM2831/15: Photograph album. Photographs taken in Shanghai and UK, 1937-1938 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po15). DM2831/16: Photograph album. Wedding photographs taken in UK and Hong Kong, 1863-1980s (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po16). DM2831/26: Photograph album compiled by Esme 'Dolly' Stuart Hutton Potts (née Wallace). Photogaphs taken in the UK, Beijing and Shanghai, c.1910 (Historical Photographs of China ref: Po01).
Papers. DM2831/17/1: A newspaper - 'The Karlsbad Herald', 1 June 1929. DM2831/17/2: Motor car racing programmes and race cards (Brooklands, Donnington Park, etc), and ephemera, 1930s. DM2831/17/3: Miscellaneous papers. Subjects include photocopies of correspondence from the German Deputy Consul in Hong Kong about the Grand Cross of the Prussian Order of the Black Eagle, 1900. The diamond-studded Order was presented by Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Emperor of China, Guangxu (1871-1908), in 1895; papers relating to the sale of the Grand Cross of the Prussian Order of the Black Eagle, 1976; a printed drawing of Lord Kitchener's face by Robert Jack Wherrett, on a post card; two Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation $1 banknotes, dated 1 July 1913 (very worn and fragile); family trees. DM2831/17/4: 'Camera Magazine', January 1966 and August 1966, featuring photographs of ‘Nic and Jay’ (Nicola Hutton-Potts and Antonia Jay Hutton-Potts) by Wyck Gerson-Lohman.
Scrapbooks. DM2831/18: Scrapbook, 1897-c.1920. Horse racing programmes, newspaper cuttings, photographs, liner passenger lists, menus, invitations, cricket programmes, letters, etc. Subjects include a letter about participating in the 'Prize Fund' (proceeds of auction of looted items), dated 13 September 1900; a 'List of Names of Volunteers who are personally willing to go to the Cape', c.1901; caricature of George Frederick Hutton Potts, by H.H.; the unveiling of a statue to Li Hongzhang, Zikawei, Shanghai, 1906; the opening of the Soochow to Wusieh section of the Shanghai-Nanking Railway, 1906; China Association Dinner to Sir Robert Hart, Criterion Restuarant, London, 7 July 1908 - list of guests; China Association Annual Dinner, Hotel Metropole, London, 27 October 1908 - list of guests; Opening of the new club house, Shanghai Club, 6 January 1911; military commissions. Photographs of Shanghai Cricket Club team, 1906; Mr F. Anderson, 1906; The President of 'The People', 1908; H.E.R. Hunter, 1912.
DM2831/19: Scrapbook, c.1912-c.1933. Newspaper cuttings, photographs, liner passenger lists, menus, invitations, etc. Subjects include correspondence with Captain G.H. Potts about a pony, 1900-1901; laying of the foundation stone, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Shanghai, 5 May 1921; Interport (Hong Kong and Shanghai cricket) Grand Variety Entertainment, Lyceum Theatre, 24 May 1921; typhoon barograph trace, Empress of Asia, October 1921. Photographs of Mr & Mrs D. Landale; horse racing; G.F.C. Hutton Potts shooting duck in British Columbia, Canada.
DM2831/20: Scrapbook, c.1926-1932. Newspaper cuttings, photographs, liner passenger lists, menus, horse racing programmes, etc. Subjects include the guest list for the China Association Annual Dinner, Hotel Victoria, Hong Kong, 14 October 1926. Photographs of Chinese guests with G.F.C. Hutton Potts; 'The People', 21 Hardoon Road, Shanghai; Chinese staff; holidays; sport; Jack Yuan Hutton-Potts with an MG Midget car.
DM2831/21: Scrapbook, c.1933-c.1936. Newspaper cuttings, photographs, liner passenger lists, menus, horse racing programmes, etc. Subjects include menus for annual dinners of the Society of Yorkshiremen in Hong Kong, a letter from a servant requesting a loan, 1934; laying of the foundation stone, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong, 1934; a print of a caricature of Sir Victor Sassoon (1881-1961) with a Leica camera and lighting kit, in Bali, by Miguel Covarrubias (1904-1957), dated 1934. Photographs of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Committee, 1934; Ah Mow's Residence, Ningpo and 'The People', 21 Hardoon Road, Shanghai; boxing on RMS Aquitania, June 1935; sports teams, interior of Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai; coloured touristic views taken in/near Beijing.
DM2831/22: Scrapbook, c.1934-c.1963. Motor car racing at Brooklands etc, invitation cards, horse racing programmes, newspaper cuttings, photographs, liner passenger lists, menus, etc. Subjects include the wedding of Jack Yuan Hutton-Potts and Antonia Ursula Cohen, Hong Kong, 1939; papers relating to the sale of the diamond-studded Grand Cross of the Prussian Order of the Black Eagle, 1976. The Order was presented by Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Emperor of China, Guangxu (1871-1908), in 1895. Photographs of activities on luxury liners, 1930s; photographs of drawings of prisoner of war/internment camps, Hong Kong, and three photographs taken in a camp, c.1945; HMS Cornflower; car racing and Nigeria, 1960s. Other. DM2831/23: A Kodak No 5 Cartridge camera (Model F), owned and used by George Frederick Cumming Hutton Potts (1864-1937). DM2831/24: A brass pocket aneroid barometer (altimeter) made by Charles J. Gaupp & Co., Hong Kong. DM2831/25: 'A Shorter Ego' by James Evershed Agate (1877-1947) (Harrap, London, 2 vols, 1946. Vol 1 - Ego, Ego 2, Ego 3; Vol 2 - Ego 4, Ego 5, Ego 6). Signed limited edition (No.90), half morocco leather binding. |