
Ref NoDM2123/8/128
Alt Ref NoDM2123/1/Archive Boxes 128
TitleEllen Malos Archive: Media, Personal, Objects, Publications, Cuttings, Miscellaneous
DescriptionEllen Malos Archive: Media, Personal, Objects, Other miscellaneous publications (not by Ellen), Cuttings and Media

Folder 1
'People for Tomorrow' (BBC 1971). Letter to Ellen Malos confirming transmission date (21.01.1971)
'Women Only' (about battered wives) (HTV West 1974). Camera Script 06.06.1974. Featuring Jan Leeming, John Anthony, Miss Oonogh Macdonald, Mrs Anne Stone, Mrs Ellen Malos, Miss Margaret Turner, Mr Erik Ilott
Script for Radio Bristol 'Some typical Accommodation Problems We Deal With' by Ellen Malos (original and photocopy) depicting typical phone calls to Women's Centre/Bristol Women's Aid and 'Barefoot and Pregnant at the Kitchen Sink' by Helen Taylor (c.1974)
Piece by Pat Van Twest for BBC (not transmitted) about women and history/walk around Bristol with covering letter to Ellen Malos 1980s?
'Women at Work' (BBC2 1974) Book of discussion notes. 09.01.1974
3x BBC DVDs of Ellen Malos interview on BBC Women, December 2008. Not broadcast. Marked 195: 01-2, 01-3; 196: 01-2, 01-3; 197: 01-2

Creative writing
Letters from University of Bristol to Ellen Malos regarding appointment as 1) lecturer 1998 and 2) senior lecturer 2000
Honorary Degree: Correspondence regarding degree and ceremony 2004-2006; Procedure for event plus 2 invitation cards 15.02.2006; Copy of oration by Harriet Bradley; mini biography of Ellen Malos x2; Women's Aid Network News announcement of degree January 2006; card from Maggie[?] nd re event; Cutting, Evening Post 15.02.2006 re event; Copy of University News Issue 46 April 2006 (damaged) containing item on honorary degree
Articles: University New Issue 10 April 2002 feature on International Women's Day. Interview with Ellen Malos plus covering fax; Nonesuch Spring 2002 article 'The Personal is the Political is the Personal' interview with Ellen Malos

Folder 2
coaster, 'Ladies Sewing Circle & Terrorist Society' nd
strapline, 'A Woman's Place is Everywhere'
strapline, 'Women are on the Move'
Badges:Abortion: A woman's right to choose x2
Battered women need refuges. March on Sept 24
Fight Tory Anti-Abortion Corrie (Labour Abortion Rights Campaign)
UNION W.A.G.E. - Union women's alliance to gain equality
Women's march for liberation
Women's Aid Federation England Ltd
For a women's right to work demonstrate 5 June
Proud to be... a rebel
Emma Miller Place June 13th 1992

Folder 3
Publications (not by Ellen Malos):
Battered Women: How to Use the Law by Tess Gill & Anna Coote. The Cobden Trust 1975
Battered Women and the New Law by Tess Gill & Anna Coote. Inter-Action Guide 1 (NCCL) 1979
Domestic Violence: Help, Advice & Information - an Information Pack for Camden. Camden Council Equalities Unit. March 1997
Handbook of Birth Control. Edinburgh University 1973
Bristol Women's Handbook. University of Bristol 1991
100+ Women of Bristol by Shirley Brown & Dawn Dyer. Bristol City Council 2002
Women in Public Life Today: A Guide by Women's National Commission 2000
Raising Money for Women: A Survivor's Guide by Marion Bowman & Michael Norton. NCVO's Women's Organisations Interest Group London. 1986
Papers on Patriarchy (Patriarchy Conference London 1976)
'A Difficult and Dangerous Honesty': 10 Years of Feminism in N. Ireland. A Discussion. 1986
Badger by Margaret de V. Wills (poems, nd)
Housing Co-operatives. Co-operative Housing Agency 1980s
The Harrow Abortion Obstacle Race. Abortion Facilities in Harrow. 1970s
Whatever Happened to Council Housing? National Community Development Project Report 1876
Profits Against Houses. Community Development Project 1976
Towards an Anti-Racist Feminism by Jenny Bourne. Institute of Race Relations. Race and Class pamphlet No 9 1984

Folder 4
Cuttings, Outsize:
Scrapbook 'Violence Against Women' 1986-1987 (mainly Bristol)
Scrapbook 'Press Cuttings' 1981 mainly Bristol, mainly violence against women

Family Allowance Campaign 1973-1986
Women, Work and Politics - Discrimination 1971-1980
Violence Against Women 1977, 1993
Housing/Homelessness 1996
Work and Equality 1970s, 1995
Abortion/Parenting 1982-1993
Misc cuttings:
Guardian 30.6.1980 Liberation Europe various articles re UN Decade for women
Guardian 9.7.1980 When being a Women is sometimes too much to bear (equal rights- world conference on women, Copenhagen)
Guardian 8.6.1981 In these crucial adolescent years they make the wrong decisions, buying a cheap, tatty image of what makes a women happy, and they try hard to conform (Polly Toynbee) women and education
no id or date 'A World of Difference' about Latin American women
Western Daily Press 26.7.[1983?] misc photocopied cuttings on marriage
3pp Marriage in the 1980s
Observer 18.12.1983 'Zimbabwe's feminist elite attack arrests'
TES 22.6.1984 International Women Writers Day at Folk House
Guardian 22.3.93 'Women at War' (status of mother) and 'One Giant Step for Women in Search of Asylum'
Guardian 31.3.93 'Mother flees as kidnapper is freed early' about Bernard Downes
Guardian 5.4.93 'The husband and father, his wife and her lover' about affairs, and 'Time of the month? A thing of the past' about PMS

Misc Arts Material:
Through Space and Time The Ancient Sisterhoods Spoke to Me Monica Sjöö retrospective, Hotbath Gallery Bath, 28.1.-25.2.2004 list of exhibition events
2 colour prints by MS: Amazon Warrior Women (1999) & Bride/Brigid and Her Tree, Well and Stone (1988)
Exhibition of WomanPower: Women's Art at Swiss Cottage Library 7-28.4[1973?]: introduction, sketches, Statement: Towards a Revolutionary Feminist Art, & poems by MS & BS
Woman-Magic exhibition poster, Monica Sjöö & Beverly Skinner, Bristol 26.2-11.3.1979
Cutting, EP 26.10.1999 about Beverly Skinner and her manuscript 'The Book of Paradise on Earth'
Information sheet about artist Eva Gonzalés 1849-1883 with list of public collections containing her art nd
Flier, One Foot on the Mountain Grand Feminist Poetry Event at the Folk House (Bristol) 1.6.
Leaflet, on the death of Pat V T West with poems and piece by Jeff Cloves & Dennis Gould 2008 plus playbill-style poster 'Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion'
Poster, Unity. Public Parts Theatre Co. BOV 15.2.1989
University of Bristol Newsletter 6.2.1975 Vol 5 No 10 'Vandyck Women's Week' programme of theatrical events at Vandyck Theatre, Department of Drama
'Never done anything like this before' publicity sheet about video about North Eastern women during the miners' strike 1984-5 c. 1985
Review of Madchen in Uniform (film 1931) by Nancy Scholar. Women and Film 2:7 Summer 1975
Press release, launch invitation and sheet 'About Our Book' The Dinner Lady and Other Women. First publication from WordWomen Bristol September 1986. Contributors: Jenny Venables, Joyce Storey, Dazzly Anderson, Jean Wythe, Gillian Low, Alana Farrell, Marion Clare, Lynn, Wendy P. Tomlinson, Pat V.T. West
Press release, Feminist Book Fortnight at the Watershed, Bristol June 1987, with EM notes and book list
Book lists from various publishers: Blackwell, Falling Wall, Heffers, University Presses of Chicago, Harvard and MIT, Pandora, CUP, Letterbox Library (non-sexist children's books) 1974-1989
Notes on language and feminism 1980s
'Writing by Other Women' typescripts: poems by Con Nightingale, 'Cinderella' by Norma Jarvis (play with songs), 'Swedish Women's Notes on England' report. 1970s-1980s

Folder 5
Misc. Source material:
Women and Revolution, ed. Lydia Sargent 1981: excerpts Beyond the Unhappy Marriage: a Critique of the Dual Systems Theory by Iris Young; The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Can it be Saved? by Carol Ehrlich; Marxism and Feminism: Unhappy Marriage, trial Separation or Something Else? by Lise Vogel
For Her Own Good by Barbara Ehrenreich & Deirdre English: Introduction 'The Romantic Solution'
Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics by bell hooks 2000: Introduction 'Come Closer to Feminism, & 'Consciousness-Raising, A Constant Change of Heart'

Misc. Housing & Homelessness:
Poverty Leaflet No 4: The Cohabitation Rule. Child Poverty Action Group Jan 1972
Shelter leaflet 'Housing in the 1980s: back to crisis'
Missing Link Support Hostel for Single Women 2000 x2
Booklet, Jubilee Year for the Homeless? 1977
Home News: Newsletter of the Homeworkers Association No 2 June 1978
Booklet of poems and covering letter to EM from Siegi Beal 14.4.1992 from CHAR workshop on - Young Women Homeless through Sexual Abuse

Misc. Wages for Housework and Greenham:
Papers regarding WHF dispute about racism which occurred in 1987: City Limits, Sanity, Letter from Bristol Labour Women's Council
2x Time off for Women posters Oct 1986 incl Greenham plus report
Time off for Women poster Oct 1987
Typed sheet about eviction from Greenham
Cutting, Guardian 15.2.1984 re eviction from Greenham
Wages For Housework Notice of Motions Feb 1988
Copy of leaflet issued by WFH for National Abortion Campaign (NAC) 1976
Notes on WFH by Ellen Malos
Leaflet, WFH USA c.1977?
2pp notes, Women and Underachievement at Work: A Case Study of Female Supplementary Benefit Clerks 1970s
4pp quotes on Attitudes to work from Women and Work in Gwent report 1980s?
When is a Wage Not a Wage? by Caroline Freeman from Red Rag No 5 1970s?
Congress Document No 19 (photocopy), 32nd National Congress, Resolution on Women in Society 4pp c.1980s
Wages For Housework writings, Power of Women Collective, Suzie Fleming, Esther Ronay. 1970s
3x Statement from the Wages for Housework Campaign re relationship between Women's Centre and WFH c.1980Power of Women: Journal of the Power of Women Collective Vol I No 1 March/April 1974
Power of Women Collective Statement, Women's Liberation Means the End of Women's Work 1970s
-Statement To All Women from WFH/Power of Women Collective 1973
Letter from WFH USA 25.1.1977, enclosing article 'An Attack Against Prostitutes is an Attack on All Women', with statements endorsing same: 'Money for Prostitutes is Money for Black Women', 'Supporting Statement by the English Collective of Prostitutes'; `Supporting Statements by Wages Due Lesbians' 1977
Women and Marxism, Notes from Bristol Conference
Notes by Suzie Fleming : 'Some Notes on "Women and the Subversion of the Community" by Mariarosa Dalla Costa' 1970s
Notes to Socialists on "Wages for Housework" by Caroline Freeman
Letter announcing publication of Network, bulletin by the English Collective of Prostitutes 1983
Open Letter to All Women: Violence Against Women in the Sex Industry from Black Women for Wages for Housework, English Collective of Prostitutes and Women Against Rape 1983

Folder 6
Misc General:
Part of a newsletter, 'How Did Ulrike Meinhof Die?' 1976
Programme, Society for the Social History of Medicine Dec 1984-Oct 1985
Pamphlet, Scrooge and Stooge: draft pamphlet regarding Company and Union v. the Workers of Chesebrough Ponds by Esther Holtzborg 1972
Booklet, Extracts from the New Portuguese Letter by the 3 Marias: Maria Isabella Barreno, Maria Velmo de Costa, & Maria Theresa Horta
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind: International Women's Year, Aid for blind women in the Commonwealth [1975]
Page from order of service for May Carey (1916-1981)
Association of Community Workers (London): 2x programme for ACW housing seminars Community Work on Council Estates - What Future? 4.3.1982; Women and Collective Action: contents list (1980s)
Community Service Volunteers Community Enterprise Programme Bristol (1980s)
Avon Project Support Group minutes of meeting 26.5. (Wed)
Cutting, University of Bristol Newsletter 7.5.1987, letter from Owen Morgan regarding letter from EM
Cutting, Childright Monitor Sept 1987, Education Wardship/jurisdiction
Flier, Women Working for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Call to Demonstrate 28.2. (Sat)
Avon Youth Scene (newssheet) Nov 1982 'Girls - Taking Stock'
Leaflet, A Feminist Perspective on Anthropology, course at the Round House Downstairs (London) 1978
1 page description of Weekend School, Women and Space: Feminist Anthropology, Architecture and Community. Caxton House London 10-11.3.1979
Flier, 15 Years On: Spare Rib. 1977
Children: National Campaign for Nursery Education Bristol Branch. February 1970. List of Executive Committee and activities. Barbara Abbs, Charmian Mann, Rosalie Wheat, Sylvia Townsend, Michael Adams, June Broadway, Catherine Bennett, Pearl Dallas Newton, Sylvia O'Driscoll
Children: Report, Education & Day-care for Under 5s in Bristol. Part I by T[J?] Brewer 1974 x3
Children: notice of conference, Towards a Play Policy for Avon, Easton, Bristol 23.2.1991
Reclaim the Night: 1 sheet of demands, c. 1977
Reclaim the Night: 1 page The Soho Sixteen and Reclaim the Night. c.1978. Printed by Bread 'n' Roses
A4 Poster for Benefit Bop at Trinity Hall Bristol 24.3. (sat) x2
Flier, Bristol Rape Crisis Line 1970s
Poem, 'Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou, with note by Ellen Malos 'read by me at Week of Action Violence Against Women 2007, 2009'
Folder of publications, Metropolitan Police: Working for a Safer London 2001 hate crime & domestic violence
Body Shop booklet One:5 about domestic violence 1995
Sheet of songs, existing tunes with new words about: anti-abortion, family planning, family allowance and freedom 1970s
Letter and form letter to Ellen Malos from Marion Glastonbury about contributing to Dictionary of Feminist Quotations 22.7.1984
Flier for book, Invisible Workers: Women's experience of outworking in Nottinghamshire
by Barbara Bahilhole 1986
Photocopy of women with Sistershow banner, 1973 2x. Picture includes Ellen Malos and Pat V T West and others
Reading list of various feminist issues, c.1980
Letter to Ellen Malos from Pam Graves 19.9.1986 regarding abortion struggle
Letter to Ellen Malos from Mary Alys 23.10.1988 regarding women's campaigns studies
Letter to Ellen Malos from Johanna Griffiths and Tracey-Anne Keys 12.7.1993 about A level projects
References and requests for references for various jobs: Philippa Smith, Ms L. Jones, Roberta Cleave, Janet Brewer, Lesley Welch, Margaret Davis, Harriet Wordsworth, Susan Pritchard, Josephine Satterthwaite, Jacqueline Barron, Julia Green, Nicola Harwin, Susan O'Toole (custody award), Alison Wylie, Elizabeth Harris 1980-1994
Statistics Concerning the Position of Women in Nazi Germany c.1980
flier, Public launching of Network, bulletin from English Collective of Prostitutes 1983
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