Description | Ellen Malos Archive: International Material
Folder 1 Australia Periodicals & Conference Reports 1974 -1985 Australian Left Review Winter 1986 No 96 (including 'Affirmative Action') Vashti Sumer 1976/1977 Issue 17 (including The Myth of Wages for Housework & photocopy) Lilith: a Women's History Journal No 1 Winter 1984, No 2 Winter 1985
Folder 2 Australia: Reports, Newsletters, Publications c.1970-1986
Folder 3 Australia : Publications: Workbook for Women. Women's Bureau Dept of Employment & Youth Affairs 1980 x2 37 Women - Visual Record of 37 Women (nd - 1980s) -Creating Children: A Uniform Approach to the Law and Practice of Reproductive Technology in Australia. Family Law Council 1985 Overland: Features, Stories, Poetry (1985) A Day Before Yesterday: Good Old Sydney Town by Abe Davis (1980) Australia Misc: Marxism and Female Oppression. A few notes and extracts which indicate some of the connections between Marxism and Feminism. From Univ. of Sydney philosophy course 1974 The Political Economy of Women: reading lists from Univ. of Sydney government course 1974 Leaflet 'What you need to know' a health guide for young people (S. Australia 1980s) Leaflet Dale Street Women's Health Centre (S. Australia 1980s) Publicity folder for Red Matildas - film about three women in the Great Depression (May Pennefeather, Joan Goodwin & Audrey Blake) & politics c.1985
Folder 4 France: Periodical, Les Petroleuses: tendence lutte de classe du mouvement de liberation des femmes No. 0 c.1973 x2; Le Torchon Brule newssheet c.1970-1971; periodical Au Feminin 1974; translation ( & original) of Sortir de l'ombre by Elizabeth Dimitriev Circle 1975, & reports in French, & correspondence 1975
Folder 5 Netherlands: Vrouwen, periodical 1.9.1980 Ireland: report on Troops Out Movement Dec. 1976 (by Ellen Malos?) plus notes Italy: 'Basta Tacere!' report on abortion from the movimento di lotto femminista, Ferrara, c.1973; ISIS International Bulletin 18: Women and the Media 1981 Canada: Wages for Housework Yes or No? x2 report nd; Interim Report on Montreal Conference June 1973 Cuba: Towards a Science of Women's Liberation: an analysis from Cuba. Red Rag Pamphlet No 1 1971 Japan: Stanford flier, factsheet 1975 plus typed fiction & poetry by Junichiro Tanizaki, Sei Shonagon & Akiko Yosano, trans. Shi Shi Kobayashi, plus notes China: 'Safer Sex on China's Superhighway' in Open Door, Marie Stopes International Feb 2009 Bangladesh: YWCA sheet 'Vocational training for girls and women' 1974