
Ref NoDM2123/8/124
Alt Ref NoDM2123/1/Archive Boxes 124
TitleEllen Malos Archive: Politics
DescriptionEllen Malos Archive: Politics

Folder 1
Government papers 1972-2005:
Family Benefits 1972
Anti-Discrimination Bill 1972-1973
Housing 1994
Domestic Violence 2001-2005
Letters to Margaret Thatcher and Edward Heath

Folder 2
Government papers:
Labour Party packs on Women in Politics and Women in Society 1974-1975

Folder 3
Bristol papers 1970-1988:
Bristol Women's Charter including pledge (1974) & newsletters No 1 March 1975 x2 & No 2 Summer 1975
Bristol Women's Labour Council: Maria Tolley Songbook 1970s meeting dates & agenda 1973, 1976, newsletter No 8 Sept 1975 & Marge Evans talk 07.02.1983
Labour Party SW Regional Council letters concerning meetings 1973, 1984
Redland Branch Labour Party: Proposed resolution re nuclear weapons & disarmament signed by Ellen Malos c. 1980
Bristol FAB (Fight Alton's Bill) fliers, notice of meetings & list of how MPs voted. Jan 1988
Women in Trade Unions: Bristol Conference 08.05.1982: planning meeting correspondence & publicity
Bristol West CLP 1987 AGM papers
Bristol Women's Voice, 2pp c.1980
Bristol Socialist Women's Group: introductory essay & meeting dates 1975
NJAC for Women's Equal Rights: form letter x3 [1969] from Lee Cataldi, 5 point charter flier c.1970, 'NJACWER - A Promise yet to be fulfilled. Statement by Antonia Gorton' 1974
Bristol Trades Council United Action Campaign for Women's Equal Rights 1971?
WEA talks & discussions 'Mothers & Others' 08.03.1973
Cuttings 'Gotcha!' about Prof John Vincent & racism/sexism. Venue c.1980
Flier, Protest Against the Cuts March c.1981
Notice, Bristol International Socialists re Talk by Roger Cox 'How to Fight the Tories' Anti-Union Laws' 1980s

Socialist Alternatives:
Papers re publication including correspondence 1986-7, French 'Alternative Socialist' newssheet and Vol 1 No 1 of Socialist Alternatives 1986

Socialist Self-Management
Pamphlets, correspondence, resolutions & policy briefings, newsletter, finance, meeting papers & notes 1985-1988

Working Women's Charter:
Campaign Pledge, documents of support including from Bristol Women's Liberation Group, Socialist Discussion Group x2, statistics, 'Childcare After School Hours', cutting & notes 1974-1975

NCCL (National Council for Civil Liberties):
Printed papers including Model Bill to Prevent Discrimination on Grounds of Sex or Marital Status May 1974. 1974-1975

Folder 4
History Workshop 18, Leicester: fliers, poster & letter 24.10.1984
Labour Heritage AGM 26.04.1986 papers with photocopies re dockers' strikes; Bulletins No 1 & 2, 1986

Notes on Capital (Marx) by Ellen Malos c. 1977
Notes on the Need for a Woman's Organisation in the Labour Party 1980s
Notes from Bristol Labour Weekly 1934-1945
Notes on women's hourly pay & class position c.1970

Why a Women's Movement? Women and the Proletarian Revolution. (Union of Women for Liberation) 1971
Notes Towards a Marxist Feminist Perspective 1970s, including 'Wages for Housework - The Perspective, The Demand'
The Need for a Socialist Leadership (Revolutionary Communist Group) 1975
Women and the Karl Marx Question: Radical Feminism and Socialist Feminism by Candace Falk c.1975
How We Oppress One Another - Socialist and non-Socialists, Feminists and Non-Feminists (Carol Riddell) 1978
Draft Resolution on the Tasks of the International Revolutionary-Marxist Tendency. 8th International Conference June 1985

The Campaign for Birth Control in the Labour Movement by Sheila Rowbotham, from A New World for Women 1977
Social Security and the Division of Unpaid Work in the Home and Paid Unemployment in the Labour Market by Hilary Land. Reprint from Social Security Research Seminar, Paper 3. c. 1975
Abortion: What Now? from Comment 26.02.1972
One Parent Times. Briefing from the National Council for 1 Parent Families. Winter 1990
Spare Rib No 32 interview with socialist Jessie Stephen
Labour Women and the Social Services by Sheila Ferguson [1970s?]

Hands off Our Family Allowances: What We Need is Money (Women's Family Allowance Campaign) 1970s
Abortion: The Struggle in the Labour Movement (Labour Abortion Rights Campaign) 1977
Marxism and the Family. Communist Party Pamphlet 1974
Solidarity for Workers' Power including Ford Report and Women's Liberation Vol 17 No 4 1972
Revolutionary Dynamics of Women's Liberation by Sabina Roberts. A League for Socialist Action Pamphlet c.1975
The Politics of Sexuality in Capitalism. Red Collective Pamphlet No1 c.1970
Architectural Association 2: Political Economy of Cities and Regions. Building Capital and Labour. 1978

Folder 5
EOC publications:
Equal Opportunities Education: Sexual Discrimination Act 1975
Income tax and Sex Discrimination (1973?)
I want a baby... but what about my job? 1979 (Equal Opportunities Commission)
Guidance on Equal Opportunities Policies & Practices in Employment 1978
With all my worldly goods I thee endow... except my tax allowances (Equal Opportunities Commission) 1979
Equalising the Pension Age (EOC 1978)
Alternative models of group child-care for pre-school children with working parents by Peter Moss (EOC 1978)
Parity Begins at Home by Hilary Land (EOC/SSRC 1981)

Cuttings 1975-1989 plus photocopies of Labour Woman 1936 & Suffragette papers 1912

Claimants Union: fliers x2 1970s, Sheet, Bristol Claimants' Union with Supplementary Benefit calculator c.1975, loose page re meeting minutes c.1970s
Mothers in Action: Single Mothers' Survival Notes c.1975, Facts & Forms 1973, Unsupported Mothers on Social Security by Penny Milson 1972, draft questionnaire 'Social Security for Unsupported Mothers' 1970s
West Midlands Workers Control Group conference programme and discussion document 1974 'Workers Control and the Crisis'
Draft for Socialist Society Women's leaflet 8.2.1989
Leaflet, Don't Let the Tories Divide and Rule! (Immigration Bill ) 1982
Submission to Commission of Inquiry, 'Organising Labour Women' 1980
Notes, cutting and letter re LAbour National Conference 1974, 'Speech in Support of Composite Resolution No 4 on Battered Wives and Children ' by Ellen Malos
Flier, Women and the NUT c.1980
-nformation sheet, The Revolutionary Struggle Against Women's Oppression. Revolutionary Communist Group c.1980
Flier re journal, 'Free Women' (Socialist Woman) c.1980
Leaflet, Child Benefit for All Mothers 1973
1p. information sheet, Women's Caucuses by Rose Knight c.1975
Labour Women's Action Committee (WAC) - annual conference report 1986, meeting minutes 6.9.1986 & 11.10.1986
Newsletter, The Right to Work? or The Fight to Live! c.1975, with letter from Norma
Women's Status. A Point of View from Communist Women 1972
Paper, Sexism, Sexuality and Class Struggle. Men Reply (Red Weekly c. 1975)
Women Alive Summer Event July 1986: magazine, programme and sheet from London Radical Feminist Study Group
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