
Ref NoDM2123/8/121
Alt Ref NoDM2123/1/Archive Boxes 121
TitleEllen Malos Archive: Research and Teaching: Conferences and Source Material
DescriptionEllen Malos Archive: Research and Teaching: Conferences and Source Material

Folder 1
Conferences 1970s-1991:
A Woman’s Role: Is It Changing? 1 day conference on the changing role of women in society 1970s (unclear where this conference was held)
Women’s Studies Conference 3.11.1973 including Ellen Malos’s notes
Seminar, Sex-Role Stereotyping and Women’s Studies Courses. University of London Institute of Education 1.12.1973 plus report on seminars 1973-1974
Second Seminar on Women’s and Feminist Studies, Sex-Role Stereotyping and Related Matters. London 19.2.1974 plus report on seminars 1974-1975
Novel Conference, 25.4.1974 College of St Mathias English Department (Bristol): Guidelines for Discussion
Report from Women’s Studies Conference, Essex 2.11.1974
Notice of Women’s Studies Tutors’ Day School. University of Bristol 15.10.1980
The Politics of Change Day School. University of Bristol 11.7.1981 with page ‘Political Lesbianism’ by Jill Brown
Registration, Women Postgraduates Doing Feminist Research First National Conference. Bradford 11.7.1981
Schedule, Feminism and Sexuality – Past and Present. London 5.9.1981
Workshop registration, Women’s Studies in the Humanities. University of Kent 1.10.1981
Programme, Budapest Conference 10-18.5.1990
Building a Europe Without Frontiers: the Role of Women. Athens, November 1991. Call for papers, maps, fliers, appeals, addresses, abstracts (including Ellen Malos, The Family and Domestic Violence)

Folder 2
Conferences 1995-1996:
Gender Perspectives on Household Issues. Reading, April 1995 including paper by Wenona Giles ‘Homeward or Bound Elsewhere?: Culture, History and Gender in Portuguese Households in London and Toronto’ and participants’ list and data and bibliography from Ellen Malos’s talk (with Gill Hague: Housing, Homelessness and Domestic Violence), and correspondence regarding publication of papers in Women’s Studies International Forum Special Issue on ‘Concepts of Home’
Elder Abuse. London and Birmingham, June 1996. Speakers, workshops, conference paper by Claudine McCreadie synopsis and Elder Abuse: update on research, Ellen Malos’s notes for paper Inter-Agency Initiatives as a Response to Domestic Violence, Elder Protection in the Community: What Can We Learn from Child Protection? By Olive Stevenson
Challenging Violence Against Women: Multi-Agency Initiatives to Tackle Domestic Violence. Bristol, June 1996. Programme, conference aims & press release

Folder 3
Conferences 2000-2005:
13th Women’s Studies Network Association Conference. UWE Bristol, July 2000. Participants, fliers, book lists, abstracts including Ellen Malos on Bristol Women’s Liberation Movement and its National Connections – Some Highlights of the Early Years, and programme
Prato November 2001: papers including Ellen Malos’ Domestic Violence: Activism, Research and Policy into Practice
4th International Conference on Evaluation for Practice. Tampere, Finland July 2002: context and overheads, The Multi-Service Projects Package (Ellen Malos as part of research team)
7th Interdisciplinary Conference of the European Research Network on Conflict, Gender and Violence. Family violence in Europe: prevalence, consequences and prevention. Valencia, September 2002. Notes, abstracts, biographies
ESRC Seminar, Framing Gendered Identities: Local Conflicts/Global Violence. Bristol, September 2003. Programme, some abstracts, notes, relevant fliers, contact lists, paper (no name): Chapter 7 'Assume the Position: The Changing Contours of Sexual Violence'
ESRC Seminar, Violence Against Women: Coordinating activism, research and service provision. Bristol, March 2005. Programme

Folder 4
Source material: Class Politics; an Answer to its Critics by Ben Fine, Laurence Harris, Marjorie Mayo, Angela Weir & Elizabeth Wilson. c.1980
Engaging With Fathers (most of book) by Brigid Daniel & Julie Taylor 2001
What is the New Feminism? from The New Feminism by Natasha Walter 1998
excerpts from Staking a Claim: Feminism, Bureaucracy and the State by Suzanne Franzway, Dianne Court & R.W. Connell 1989
The Permissive Movement, Ch. 13 from Sex, Politics & Society by Jeffrey Weeks, 1981

Folder 5
Source material:
The Construction of Homosexuality, Ch. 6 from Sex, Politics & Society by Jeffrey Weeks, 1981
Sexuality and the Historian, Ch. 1 from Sex, Politics & Society by Jeffrey Weeks, 1981
The Sacramental Family: Middle-Class Men, Women and Children, Ch. 3 from Sex, Politics & Society by Jeffrey Weeks, 1981
A Recent Political History of Child Abuse and Neglect , Ch. 3 from Child Abuse: Towards a Knowledge Base by Brian Corby, 2000
excerpts from Approaches to the History of the Western Family by Michael Anderson, 1980
Explaining the Development of Social Policy from Social Policy: A Comparative Analysis by M. Hill 1996
excerpts from Feminism and Bureaucracy by V. Hart, 1992
Anger and Tenderness: the Experience of Motherhood by Adrienne Rich, from The Domestic Sphere (?)
Introduction from Married to the Job by J. Finch, 1983
Marriage, divorce, and women's economic dependency: a discussion of the politics of private maintenance by Carol Smart, from State, Law and the Family by M.D. Freeman 1984
Laws, Conventions and Rights by Michael Freeman from Thirty Years of Change for Children, National Children's Bureau, 1993
Beyond the Domestic Labour Debate by Maxine Molyneux, 1979
The Home Turned Upside Down? The Working-Class Family in Cotton Textiles 1780-1850 by Catherine Hall, from The Changing Experience of Women, ed. Elizabeth Whiteless, 1982
Renegotiation of the Domestic Division of Labour in the Context of Male Redundancy by Lydia D. Morris, 1980s

Folder 6
Source material:
Trend Report: The Re-Shaping of Sociology? Trends in the Study of Gender by Mary Maynard from Sociology Vol 24 No 2 May 1990
Household Spending, Personal Spending and the Control of Money in Marriage by Jan Pahl from same
The Concept of Caring in Feminist Research: The Case of Domestic Service by Hilary Graham from Sociology Vol 25 No 1 Feb 1991
excerpts from Housing Women by Rose Gilray and Roberta Woods, 1994
Women and Homelessness: proposals from the Department of the Environment by Gillian Pascal and Rebecca Morley from Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 18(2) 1996
H.J. Dyos: an appreciation by S.G. Checkland from Urban History Notebook 1980
Black Women's Activism: Coming of Age? by Hannana Siddiqui from Feminist Review No 64, Spring 2000
excerpt from Sweet Freedom: The Struggle for Women's Liberation by Anna Coote and Beatrix Campbell c.1980
Findings Bulletins:
Social Policy Research 95 c.1995
A Study of Childlessness in Britain July 1998
The Cost of Childhood Disability July 1998
Housing Benefit: Time for Reform July 1998
Personal Assistance Users and Work July 1998
Children's Perspectives on Families July 1998
Domestic Violence in Work With Abused Children July 1998
Advocacy for Parents with Learning Difficulties July 1998
Unemployment, Inactivity and Non-Employment June 1998
Findings in Focus Bulletin New Schools for Thought May/June/July 1998
Foundations: Supported living and supported employment: opening up opportunities to people with learning difficulties July 1998
Foundations: Divorce and separation: the outcomes for children June 1998
Selected Family articles: Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (preface); Rosald & Lamphere, Women, Culture and Society 1974 (introduction); Rayner Reiter, Towards an Anthropology of Women 1975 (introduction); Selma Leydensdorff, Politics, Identification and the Writing of Women's History from Current Issues in Women's History 1989;
Berenice A. Carroll, Liberating Women's History (introduction); Feminism and Methodology. The Social Relation of the Sexes; Ursula Vogel, Rationalism and Romanticism: two strategies for Women's Liberation from Feminism and Political Theory
Wife-Torture in England by Frances Power Cobbe from The Wives and the Rights of Married Women ed. Marie Mulvey Roberts and Tamae Mizuta 1994
Opinions of the Press on the Property of Married Women reprint for the Married Women’s Property Committee 1877 from same
Excerpts from The Heart of the Race by Bryan B. Dadzie 1985

Folder 7
Source material:
Women’s Domestic Labour by Jean Gardiner. NLR 89 Jan-Feb 1975
The Housewife and her Labour Under Capitalism – a Critique by Margaret Coulson, Branka Magas and Hilary Wainwright, from same
Women’s Domestic Labour by Jean Gardiner, article for Women and Socialism conference 1974
Women’s Domestic Labour by Jean Gardiner, Susan Himmelweit and Maureen Mackintosh, from - Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists June 1975 Vol 4.2(II)
Wiping the Floor with Housework by Eva Kalyuska 1980 (Feminist Review No 6)
Pin Up or Send Up? In the Image of Man. Observer Magazine 9.7.1978
Shoulder to Shoulder: How Women Fought for the Vote. Radio Times Special Guide 1974
Would You Forgive a Runaway Husband? Woman’s Own 6.6.1981
Barbara Cartland Special Interview. Woman’s Weekly 6.6.1981
Castle of the Mist by Valentina Luellen. Woman’s Weekly Library No 1295. 1975
How to Twist Dad Round Your Little Finger – in the Nicest Possible Way. Pink Magazine 31.3.1973
- George and Angie’s Crazy Marriage: How Baby Best Got Dad Off the Bottle. Woman 6.6.1981
-Who’ll Mind the Baby When You Go Back to Work? Woman 6.12.1975
My Weekly. 13.12.1975
The Art of Making Friends by Michael Argyle. Observer Magazine 16.12.1973
In the Beginning was the Unburnt Bra by Anna Coote 1978(magazine – not identified)
Housing. Excerpts from Social Trends 22 (1992) and 23 (1993)
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