Description | Ellen Malos Archive: Bristol Women's Aid
Folder 1 Foundation Documents 1974-1987: 1974 Aims and Proposals 1975 Outline with Aims and Objective about Bristol Women's House Project Memorandum & Articles of Association - annotated copy 22.11.1985 Notes, Implications of Company Structure for Women's Aid as at 26.2.1986 Notes/Issues arising from Structure Conference 14.2.1987 Suggested Amendments to the Constitution 1986. 2 copies, 1 annotated Basic Structure of Constitution of Women's Aid chart x3 Basic Rules of the Company x3 Proposed Constitutional Amendments [1986] BWA Licence Agreement re Solon Southwest x2 Finance: Reports and Accounts 1975-2000 not complete Urban Aid 1983-1988 : Application Forms and Correspondence
Folder 2 Finance: Audit & Response 1997-1998
Folder 3 Finance:Funding and Fundraising 1977-2000: Form letters, deed of covenant, fundraising information sheets, donations received 1975-78, correspondence, car users' allowance, grants, cuttings, social fund rents
Folder 4 Policy/Administration: Minutes 1978-2000 not complete
Folder 5 Policy/Administration: Admin, Policy, Reports 1977-2000 including printed report 'Heads They Win, Tails You Lose' 1977, Operating Review 1998-99, Notes on handling the media, Guidelines on Policies
Folder 6 Housing: Refuges 1974-2007: Notes for Labour Women's Council 1974 Practical Arrangements 1974 Emergency Information Facts & Figures 1977-78 Correspondences with Bristol City Council Solon South West Housing Association 1978-89 including management agreement Discussion notes & data CHAR (Campaign for Single Homeless People) Practical Hints on using the Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977 for Single Homeless People 1979, for day conference at the Folk House Bristol 14.12.1979, with programme and list of attendees Practical notes re second hostel (building works) Draft clause of tenancy agreement 3x press leaflet 'Bristol Women's Aid Moves to South Bristol as New Large Refuge Opens' 1980 3x information sheets on new refuge Plea for help at new refuge Information for police about new refuge Secretary's report early 1980s, and contacts for Whitchurch Correspondence re complaints from neighbours of refuge 1987 House Report 1988-89 with childcare statistical report Letter to Fawzia re Black Women's Refuge June 6 1997, incomplete Paper, 'A New Initiative in Refuge Provision' with projected costings c.2000 Cutting, Evening Post June 13 2007 'New Safe House for Women Opened' x2 misc papers re St Paul's Playgroups and unsupported Mothers misc note (nd) re legal aid email confirming that second stage is empty (nd) Housing: Housing & Homelessness 1973-1999: Notice of Shelter Conference June 30 [1973?] 'Housing - the Next Five Years' Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977: Questions and NWAF Guide to the Act & correspondence 1977, plus CHAR notes 3x paper for meeting re Housing Persons Act 'Battered Women and Housing in Avon' Code of guidance: homelessness (from BCC?) 1977 Kingswood District Council Hosing Policy April 1978 Notes regarding campaign to amend Act c.1978 Letter & flier re Mini HAG Allocation 1981-82 (Housing Association Grants) Reply to Labour Housing Group's Homelessness Study Group on Homeless Battered Women June/July 1983 Housing Allocation meeting March 18 1985 Notes comprising logs of various refuge workers Draft questionnaire re building style Papers re appeals/evictions 1987 &c Booklet, Missing Link Housing Annual Report 1998-99 Papers re Kingswood Women's Aid evening June 2000 at which Ellen Malos spoke Cutting, nd about 'Women on the Margins' by Helen Austerberry [1983]
Folder 7 Housing: Domestic Violence 1979-2000: Cutting Evening Post July 7 1978 'Homeless Plight of Battered Wives' x2 Leaflet 1978 'Battered Women are Still Homeless' for Women's Aid National Week of Action on Housing July 8-15 1978 Letter May 1 1979 to Ellen Malos from Kate Mason re solicitors' seminar Research list for Violence Against Women, Battered Women c.1981 Minutes of meeting with Jim Woods and Sue Hodkinson about Legal Aid October 14 1981 Letter to Councillor Robertson (BCC) re Housing Act 1980, Feb 23 1981 Cutting Evening Post April 13 1983 'After All the Agony my two Sons and I are Safe' re Bristol Women's Aid National Council for One-Parent Families Training Course Worksheet (legal advice) 1983 Conference, The Legal Response to Domestic Violence, Bristol June 14 1983: 2x programme Notes from solicitors' conference 1983 Notes from Women's Aid Day Conference Workshop on Custody July 12 1983 Annotated typescript 'Interview with aggrieved husband (whom we know) who turned up on Social Admin Research Interviews on Divorce' c. 1984 Cutting, Guardian Nov 26 1985 'Open Secret' re domestic violence and refuge in London Conference, Women's Aid Day Conference, 'Domestic Violence - Prevention and Intervention, Bristol June 27 1986: programme Points to include in briefing paper c.1987 Photocopy, 'Future Direction? A Discussion' re domestic violence c. 1987 Conference, Domestic Violence, Bristol Polytechnic (UWE) October 29 1987: programme and notes Cutting, Bristol Journal Jan 27 1989 'Women in Fear' (domestic violence) Copy of submission to Ministerial Group on Women's Issues sent from WAFE: The Law in Relation to Domestic Violence May 9 1989 Paper, 'Domestic Violence and Social Policy: Perspectives from Women's Aid' by Jackie Barron and Nicola Harwin c.1994 Leaflet, Bristol Women's Aid 1995: Information for women experiencing domestic violence Note about publication, 'Women, Violence and Resistance: Feminist Activisim, Research, Policy and Practice' Jan 30 1998 (Ellen Malos's 'Supping With the Devil' is in this) Faxed leaflet 'Women at Risk' c.2000 Cuttings: Independent on Sunday June 4 2000 'Women Deserve to be Hit, say Boys'; Times nd 'Women can be hit, say boys'; Evening Post June 6 2000 'They deserve it' Book launch invitation 2006 for 'Domestic Violence: Action for Change' by Ellen Malos and Gill Hague, 3rd edition 2x leaflet 'Battered Women - How to Survive' with contacts for Women's Aid groups in the South West nd, c.1980 Notes on Injunctions, Comparison of Injunctions Obtainable nd A4 poster 'Is the Man You Live With Violent?' (Bristol Women's Aid) nd
Folder 8 Employment: Employees 1983-1990: Profiles of individuals; grievance procedures; disciplinary matters; Employment Group minutes & correspondence. SENSITIVE MATERIAL-RESTRICT ACCESS
Keywords: abuse, domestic abuse, children, social housing, crisis centres, rape, homelessness |