
Ref NoDM2123/1/Archive Boxes 67
Alt Ref NoDM2123/FA/Arch/67
TitleFeminist Archive Book Box containing books relating to women's issues
DescriptionPrinted books relating to women's issues and other topics (all hardbacks unless otherwise stated)
Margaret Cole, A letter to a Student, Fabian Letter no. 3, Fabian Society (pamphlet), n.d.
A. Susan Lawrence, A letter to a Woman munition worker, Fabian Letter no. 5, Fabian Society (pamphlet), n..d.
Marilyn French, The women's room, Summit Books, 1977, hardback, signed 'To Faye with affection Marilyn'
George Bernard Shaw, The intelligent woman's guide to socialism and capitalism, Constable and Company Ltd, London, 1928, attractive cover
J.G. Frazer, Taboo and the perils of the soul (part of the Golden Bough), Macmillan, London, 1911
J.G. Frazer, The magic art and the evolution (part of the Golden Bough), Macmillan, London, 1911
Mrs Gaskell, Mary Barton, George Routledge, 1895, attractive cover, (prize for Agnes Bright for regular attendance, progress and good conduct during year ending 31 January 1901, Upton Board School)
'Dorothy Evans and the Six Point Group', updated by Claire Madden, [n.d., c.1945], pamphlet
Ray Strachey, Millicent Garrett Fawcett, John Murray, London, 1931
Ray Strachey, 'The Cause': a short history of the women's movement in Great Britain, G. Bell and Sons, London, 1928
Zoe Fairburns, Stand we at last: a novel, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1983, signed by author
edited by W. Shaw Sparrow, Women painters of the world from the time of Caterinea Vigri 1413-1463 to Roas Bonheur and the present day, Hodder & Stoughton, (The Art and Life Library) 1905
edited by Geoffrey Handley-Taylor with a forward by Vera Brittain, Winifred Holtby: a concise and selected bibliography together with some letters, AC. Brown and Sons Ltd, 1955, signed by Vera Brittain

Many of these books are ex-library copies, and some are in quite a poor condition.

Manuscript letter from R.H. Verney, Aeronautical Inspection Directorate, London, to Mrs L. Jennens, Chelsea, 16 May 1919, thanking her for her work as the first woman Assistant Inspector at the AID, February 1918-May 1919. Gives an account of her work on munitions during World War One.
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