
Ref NoDM2123/1/Archive Boxes 64
Alt Ref NoDM2123/FA/Arch/64
TitleWomen against the Cuts (1980-1981), Bristol Women’s House Project (1974-1978), Lesbian Left, Women in Chile and El Salvador, and women’s conferences.
DescriptionWomen against the Cuts (1980-1981), Bristol Women’s House Project (1974-1978), Lesbian Left, Women in Chile and El Salvador, and women’s conferences.

Original listing: From Jill Brown, Arlyn Castilla, Jackie West; Women Against the Cuts, Lesbian Left, Woman Chile (all Jill Brown); Women's National Coordination Community Conference 1971, from A Castilla; Bristol Women's House Project, Women's Charter Conferences 1976 (from Jackie West)

Brown folder: on the outside is stuck the programme of the Women’s National Coordinating Committee Conference, 15-17 October 1971, programme. Contains papers relating to women in society, including William Benyon Abortion Amendment Bill, February 1977; Central London Women’s Voice Group, October-December 1977; and ‘Women in Capitalist Society’ by Laurie Landy (US International Socialists), 1977. (given by Arlyna Castilla?)

Green folder: Working Women’s Charter Group, Bristol, Bristol Women’s Charter, March 1975. Women and Work Conferences, Nottingham NCCL, June 1974, Bristol 1974. Includes papers relating to the National Council for Civil Liberties Women at Work Conference, Nottingham, 17 June 1974; Working Women’s Charter (Bristol and elsewhere), 1974; ‘Women, the bill and beyond, what women want now!’, Fawcett Society Day Conference, 1974 (given by Arlyna Castilla?)

Green folder: materials relating a Bristol Women’s House Project; including pamphlets relating to building move (20 October 1978); campaigns for an increase in family allowance; and setting up of a Bristol Women’s Centre and refuge, 1974-1978 (given by Jackie West)
Materials relating to work of Jackie West, abortion, June 1976; women and health; book reviews; advertisements (relating to wives, possibly parodies of original advertisements) (given by Jackie West)

Women against the Cuts, 1980-1981, various papers created by Bristol Women’s Centre and others, relating to Conservative Party cuts to welfare funding, nurseries, and the like; also establishment a new child minding service; Claimants Unions in the London Regions on the Supplementary Benefits Scheme, January 1977; Labour Party Research Department on ‘The Tories’ Spending Cuts’, November 1979; and the Labour Research Department on the Tory Employment Bill, (given by Jill Brown)

Papers on women’s struggle for liberation in Chile and El Salvador, including work of campaign groups in Bristol, 1980, (given by Jill Brown)

Papers relating to the Lesbian Left, including copies of ‘Gay Left’ (USA), 1978 (given by Jill Brown)

Papers from Women’s Liberation Groups in Britain (York, Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds), including conference papers, 1980 (given by Jill Brown)

Papers on abortion campaigns in Britain, 1967-1979 (very small amount of papers)

Assorted press cuttings (mainly from ‘The Guardian’) on cuts, 1980-1981

[Box only half full] These materials were probably given by Jill Brown, Arlyna Castilla, and Jackie West.
Hannah Lowery, 31 October 2011
Extent1 record management box
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