
Ref NoDM2123/1/Archive Boxes 32
Alt Ref NoDM2123/FA/Arch/32
TitleMarilyn Porter papers
DescriptionPapers deposited by Marilyn Porter relating to Soc Fem Conf 1979, Birmingham WLM 1977 1978; Women and Society 1974 1975; Bristol WLM 1973; Acton 1972; Manchester 1972; Bristol 1970-1977; Women’s House

Consists of envelope files held in hanging files.
‘Consciousness and secondhand experience: wives and husbands in industrial action’, Marilyn Porter, photocopy of journal article, n.d.
‘Worlds apart: the class consciousness of working class women’, Marilyn Porter, Women’s Studies Int. Quart., 1978, Vol. 1, pp.175-188
Folder: ‘Soc Soc’. Socialist Society membership forms and papers, n.d.-1980s
Folder: ‘Socialist Discussion Group’, papers of a group meeting once a month in London, 1979-1981
Folder: ‘Used talks’: notes by Marilyn Porter for lectures she has given. Topics include notes from ‘Petticoat Rebellion’ by Marian Ramelson 1967; lectures at Bristol Grammar School, June 1975; work and aims of women’s liberation movement; payment and wages for WEA, March 1973; UNA Youth Group on women’s liberation, July 1971; mostly cover women’s liberation movement topics, also life in Botswana, 1971-1973
Folder: ‘Women’s Lib’ General (Blue file). Includes notes by Marilyn Porter; newsletter of the Women’s Liberation Literature Collective: Children’s Books, 1972-1973; Union of Women for Liberation; notes on the 6th March demonstration, April 1971; notes on Sheila Rowbotham and the Socialist Society, November 1970; Women’s Liberation Conference, Birmingham June 1971 ‘Key problems of the growth and political development of the movement’; WNCC Meeting in Birmingham June 1971; electoral registers and jury service; Women’s Liberation Workshop November 1970; action by wives of striking postal workers in Bristol (Mrs Jean Bartley of Brislington), February 1971; Women’s Liberation Workshop newssheets, 1971; mention of activities in USA; contact details for national Women’s Liberation Groups; ‘Who are the National Front’; women in industry; abortion; conferences and meetings, 1971-1973
Folder: ‘Women’s Lib’ General (Orange file). Includes minutes of the Planning Group for the Patriarchy Conference, Women’s Liberation News (February 1976); Women’s Liberation Literature Collective: Non Sexist Children’s Books, 1973-1974; Women’s Abortion and Contraception Campaign London; report on the Women’s Studies Conference, University of Essex 2 November n.y.; History Workshop on Family Work and Home, 20-21 October 1973; campaigning on family allowances; National Conference Planning Meeting, held at Bristol, 19 May 1973 (July 1973); Women’s Liberation Regional Conference at the University of Reading, March 1973; postcard from Tony Benn, 1973; National Campaign for Anti-Discrimination Law; lists for women’s groups (Ellen Malos and Marilyn Porter in Bristol) throughout Britain; ‘Women’s Way: Feminist News and Comment’, no. 1, 4 November 1972; 1972-1976
Folder: ‘Women’s House Project. Discussions of the Bristol Women’s Centre which was established in March 1973, and need for a women’s refuge. Minutes of meetings and reports of activities, 1973-1975.
Folder: ‘Women’s Liberation Movement Bristol Group, June 1970-1972’. Papers, newsletters, and the like. Organisations include Union of women for Liberation, Women for Socialism, theatre productions; march on 6 March [1971] in London; Bristol newsletters 1970-1972; correspondence between group members; appeals for speakers; membership lists (with addresses); notes of meetings; discussions of housing issues, and also of contraception and abortion; 1970-1972
Folder: ‘Women’s Liberation Movement Bristol Group, 1973-1976’. Papers, newsletters, and the like, mainly relating to Women’s groups in Bristol; 1972-1976
Folder: ‘Women’s Liberation Movement Bristol Group, 1976-1977’. Papers, newsletters, and the like, mainly relating to Women’s groups in Bristol; 1976-1979
Folder: ‘Women’s National Coordinating Committee Conference, October 15-17 1971’. The conference was held at Skegness. Includes papers by local groups on ‘Causes of the oppression of women’, and similar topics. 1970-1971
Folder: ‘Manchester 1972’. Papers relating to the National Women’s Conference held in Manchester, 25-26 March 1972. Includes papers by different local groups.
Folder: ‘London National Conference (Acton), November 1972’. Agendas and papers relating to the organisation of the National Women’s Conference held in London, November 1972. Includes discussion of abortion and a visit by Sonia Pressman Fuentes in November 1972 (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington DC); also ‘Whose Conspiracy?’ by the Stoke Newington Eight Defence Group.
Folder: ‘5th Women’s Liberation National Conference, Bristol, June 1973’. Agendas and papers relating to the organisation of the National Women’s Conference held in Bristol, 13-15 July 1973 at the University of Bristol Student’s Union (with posters).
Folder: ‘Women and Socialism Conference, Birmingham University, 1974’. Includes book list, timetable, paper on ‘Womens liberation ASA mass movement and its relationship to the class struggle’.
Folder: ‘Women and Socialism Conference, Queen Mary College, London, 1975’. Includes papers, summaries, also discussion of abortion campaigns, and working practises in companies.
Folder: ‘National Women’s Conference held at City University, London, April 1977’. Agendas, arrangements, discussion papers, song book.
Folder: ‘Women’s Liberation National Conference held at Birmingham, 1978’. Papers of various groups including the Bristol Women’s Aid and Anti-Rape Group.
Folder: ‘Socialist Feminist National Conference, Starcross School, London, March 1979’. Arrangements, agendas, and papers
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