
Ref NoDM2123/1/Archive Boxes 29
Alt Ref NoDM2123/FA/Arch/29
TitleBristol Women's Centre
DescriptionDM2123/FA/Arch/Box 29 - Bristol Women's Centre

Loose at front:
- file, 'unregistered/old system' containing misc cuttings
- file containing envelope, 'interesting and relevant newspaper cuttings - please date' containing one leaflet about Community Relations Commission
- New Directions papers 1996-7
- Interagency working information sheets with points taken from 'Against Domestic Violence: Inter-Agency Initiatives' by Ellen Malos, Gill Hague & Wendy Dear, SAUS 1995
- 1p printed 'Conclusion: Ending the Violence'
- 1p Abusers Programme for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence' Monday 16.6.
- xeroxed cutting, Observer Feb 1998 'Harrowing Court Ordeal of Battered Wives to End'
- Minutes of Women's Programme Meeting 22.4.94
- xerox, Community Care October 14 [19-?] 'Challenging Behaviour'
- Zero Tolerance leaflet
- Statement of Prosecution Policy: Domestic Violence (CPS Policy Group 4/93)
- letter from BCC re zero tolerance Campaign Group 30.3.98
- envelope, ' Stuff from ASAC training day' 11.1.94 (checklist & booklets, sexual abuse) & xeroxed articles
- book, 'Library Book Bristol Women's Centre' loans record 1986-98
- cardboard envelope 'Women's Centre leaflet originals and letterhead logos' containing letterhead, folded
- fliers/leaflets re Women's Centres
- Draft Constitution of Bristol Women's Centre June 197
- Contact lists, training programme, training evaluations, notes on counselling skills, grievance procedure, Equal Opportunities policy statement, New Directions EO policy, letter of support from Dawn Primarolo, cuttings, information sheet about WLM ('What are the Aims of the WLM? 1980s)
- envelope, 'Copy of pack sent to volunteers' (for volunteer counselling) c.1998
- envelope, 'Report & Funding Application to Greater Bristol Foundation' c.1998
- Volunteer Application form, Bristol Women's Centre
- expenses sheet
- letter from Katina Noble to Tess nd
- conditions of use for User Groups
- Induction sheet for counsellor, &c.
- envelope, 'Returned Monitoring Forms' - mainly unopened envelopes c.1996
- xeroxed photos, maps, Definition of Sexism, training programmes & meetings
- envelope 'Interviews' (counsellors)
- envelope 'References', but no references (only reference forms) inside
- Bristol & Avon Women's Directory 1995-6
- Aims & Policies (1995 agreed) & draft amendments 13.11.96
- information on Life and SPUC
- Sheet, Bristol Women's Centre 'Our History'

File 1 untitled: mockups of leaflets, copies of information e.g. Our History & Annual Reports
File 2 untitled: 2 bar charts re counselling 1990
File 3 Translators: leaflet, directory, bibliography re slave trade & Central Library
File 4 Progress (Voluntary Sector Focus Training & Organisational Development)
File 5 Women & Art: mainly leaflets but also Women Theatre Group poster 'The Soap Opera' by Donna Franceschild, Aug [22=Wednesday] , Bath
File 6 Women's Advisory Sub-Committee (BCC) 1996-8 including:
International Women's Day Initiatives 1998
Integrated Equalities Policy 1996
International Women's Day Festival Grants 1997
Women's Centre Grant Application for International Women's Festival 1997
File 7 Accounts 1986-98 complete
File 8 untitled: report with many inserts 'Domestic Violence and Social Care' (Dept of Health/Social Services Inspectorate) March 1995
File 9 Holiday and B&B: Women's holiday leaflets etc
File 10 untitled: VOSCUR (Voluntary Organisations' Standing Conference on Urban Regeneration) 1997-8
File 11 Women's Forum: Information pack (BCC), information on Women's Advisors 1987-96, address lists of Women's Committee and copy of Women in Bristol Issue 2 March/April [Sat 12/3 same year as Alton Bill QV]
File 12 Landlord: (Barton Hill Settlement) 1995-6 including annual report and (tenancy) contract
File 13 Originals: mock-ups & originals of leaflets, forms, address lists, rotas including in Cantonese, Urdu, Vietnamese, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati. Also International Women's Day Festival Sat 14.3. Bristol Women's Centre poster
File 14 Community Groups' Network: minutes, reviews 1992-95
File 15 untitled: Graphics for anti-apartheid walk for Soweto etc. Printed sheets on typography & typesetting, notes on film developing & writing for radio, vox pops, tape editing & interviewing. 1.4-20.6.1987
File 16 Potential Funding: xeroxes of details of charitable trusts & donors
File 17 Publicity: media contracts including Fem FM 1992, Women & Film, Women & Film bibliography, South West Media Guide 1991 (2nd edition) & PCC booklet 'How to Complain' 1990s
File 18 Training - Other: including Benefits Campaign information, training courses & file of Volunteer Training for Women's Centre: examples of training programmes, induction days, application pack etc. (But is actually copies of access details, draft constitution, monitoring forms etc which are at present elsewhere in this box.)

Sarah Cuthill, April 2013
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