Description | From Lin Simenon, relating to the peace campaign and Greenham Common 1980-1984. With photographs by Caroline Wyndham and Jay Green of Greenham Common, St Mawgan's, Faslan etc; Women's Pendragon Action 1980; Women and life on earth; pieces of wire from the fence at Greenham, and 'the cobweb' crotched/knitted object [now housed in separate box DM2123/1/Archive Boxes23a].
Photographs by Caroline Wyndham, with comment ‘we have other smaller copies and negatives’ 3 black and white photographs, 26cm x 31cm. Showing women with string/wool tided together like a spider web or fens, spider web in woods, Folder containing slides of Greenham Common by Caroline Wyndham, mainly black and white. Photographs show women, camps, posters and banners, police, life in camps, 1982-1983 Folder of press cuttings and other materials on nuclear disarmament in general including posters, advertisements for events, CND/Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament publications (Sanity), Greenpeace, ‘How to survive the nuclear age: what the Government will not tell you!’ (Ecology Party), 1980-1986 3 pieces of wire coated in green plastic, presumably cut from fence at Greenham Common. Posters from Greenham and Miscellaneous, Lin Simenon Collection. Mentions that there are also Welsh Women’s WFLOE posters in the White Poster Cabinet. Posters for fund raising events, stickers, appeals to attend court, posters inviting women to events at Greenham Common, 1983-1984 Greenham Women’s Peace Camp newsletters, 1983-1984 Women’s Pentagon Action, 16-17 November 1980, Women and Life on Earth: a unifying alliance for feminism and ecology, event in Glastonbury. Minutes and arrangements. Album of black and white photographs by Caroline Wyndham of Greenham (in contact print album), ‘chronicle visit to Greenham on 12 and 13 December 1982. Also pictures of demonstration in Totnes, and 3 colour photographs showing a peace cloak and banner produced by Totnes women. Folder of press cuttings on Greenham Common, collected by Lin Simenon, 1982-1984
Crocheted shawl in multiple colour wool, with spider web design, is torn. Paper reads ‘Hand made shawl, Greenham Common Womyn’s Peace Camp, Berkshire, England, 1983/84’ [loaned to British Library exhibition, 2020-2021, torn parts replaced by modern crochet, and shawl restored] [now housed in separate box DM2123/1/ArchiveBoxes23a]
4 empty slide boxes, labelled C Wyndham, Devon (presumably transferred into folder), also address for Lin Simonon in Bristol.
See also 'The Greenham Common Collection: the Feminist Archive, Bristol', 1999, copy available in Special Collections |