Description | Feminist Archive: Dora Russell Boxes: Caravan of Peace, 1958 Please note that I have gone through these boxes quickly in order to get a sense of the contents. It has not been possible to identify all of the languages used, but the addresses from communities which Dora Russell’s Caravan of Peace visited in 1958 are very moving. There are fine examples of artwork, and photographs of things held dear to the communities. Of particular interest is the 177 page typescript by Dora Russell, 'We called on Europe', giving an account of the Caravan and a road map marked with the route it took in Box 15, along with the video made from original film of the journey in Box 12. The Caravan travelled from Britain through France, Belgium, Holland, West Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, before fIying briefly to Moscow and then returning back to Britain by way of East Germany, West Germany, Belgium, and France. It will be necessary to return to these boxes and improve their lists, and the housing of some items. It does not include the contents of the White Plan Chest Drawer DM2123/7/Drawer 4 which contains additional Caravan of Peace items.
See also: Dora Russell, 'The Tamarisk Tree: volume 3: Challenge to the Cold War', Virago, 1985, Chapter 10 'Women make the moves..' for an account of the Caravan by Dora Russell in her autobiography (Arts & Social Sciences Library HQ1595 RUS). See also Katherine Tait, 'Carn Voel: my mother's house', Patten Press, 1998, for an account of Dora Russell's life at her Cornish home (Arts & Social Sciences Library Restricted Pamphlet DA670.C8 TAI).
For a study of Dora Russell and the Caravan of Peace see: Michaela Maria Magdalena Schwarz-Santos Gonçalves Henriques. Minding His-Story: Dora Russell's Voice on the Side of Life against the Backdrop of Her Peace Mission in the 1950s. PhD thesis in English. Lisbon, Portugal: Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, Departmento de Estudos Anglísticos, 2015
Archive material on Dora Russell and the Caravan of Peace is also held at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. See their Webpage at:
DM2123/FA/Arch/1: Photo albums [Large scale flat box] 1. Burgundy folder 22.5cm x 31cm, ‘KSSO’ on front, The title reads "War, be gone. Long live peace". Contains painting of dove in blue and white,.Text in Czech language. 2. Green photograph album, 32.5cm x 24cm. ‘Mothers for Peace’, Bologna, Italy, 20 June 1958, black and white photographs, printed text in Italian, campaigning on a peace theme. 3. In repaired cream box, 32.5cm x 22.5cm. Contains red folder and loose sheets, with watercolour illustrations and signatures. Translation in English, from working women in the district of Kyjov, in Moravia/Czecholslovakia, dated Kyjov, 28 July 1958. 4. Pink cloth folder, 28cm x 32.5cm. Contains loose sheets with text and illustrations, dated Myslkovice, 15 cervence 1958 5. Green and black folder, 22.5cm x 31.5cm. ‘To the English women-the women of the District of Rosice’, with texts in Czech and illustrations, dated Padochov 14 cervence 1958, Czechoslovakia. 6. White folder, with mermaid with shield and sword, 25cm x 34.5cm. Contains text with signatures in Polish and illustration of flower, with white and green artificial berry/foliage attached. Some dated Warszawa, 4 August 1958. 7. Pink folder ‘Rada mistniho narodniho…’, 23cm x 32.5cm. Contains Petition to Czechoslovak government from Union of Antifacsists (Litomerice division) against UK/US actions in Jordan and Lebanon. Also contains text, letters, and signatures, dated Litomerice, 4 August 1958. 8. Oatmeal cloth folder with red white and blue ribbon, ‘Sigma Lutin n.p.’, 23cm x 32.5cm. Contains text in English from the Women’s Committee, dated Lutin, 2 August 1958. Workers from the Sigma Olomouc Plant, mention the forthcoming harvest, ‘USA and Great Britain aggression’, nuclear weapons, and the wish not to repeat ‘Caventry’ [Coventry?]. 9. Buff folder ‘Painting 2, Czech, DR1’, containing 7 pieces of artwork with signatures. From Warszawa dated 9 August 1958; Lablin 25 July 1958; Warszawa 9 August 1958; Z-ljezdec (with rural scene); Dynin with factory 18 July 1958; and brown envelope ‘The women of Litovel to the English Women’, with factory, dove of peace and hand. 10. Buff folder, ‘To the Peace Caravan of Mothers of England’, from the members of the Women Committees of the District of Humpolec, 18 July 1958, with text in English. 11. Buff folder, ‘Holedec okres Zatec’, with signatures on a petition showing USA missiles being cut with flowers labelled mir and peace. 12. Red album, 24.5cm x 30.5cm, labelled ‘pax, mir, mnp’ with dove and world. Contains typed and handwritten letters with signatures dated 1958, with mention of Stockholm, ‘Svetova rada miru, Stockholm’. 13. Red album, 25cm x 31cm, with dove with flower. Folder shows evidence of dirt/mould in past. Contains illustrations and texts, including folk art and stylised images of peace with children and pastoral scenes. Adrresses are from various places in Czechoslovakia. The written texts are a mixture of Czech and Slovak,. dated Cervence 1958.
DM2123/FA/Arch/2: Photo albums [Large scale flat box] 14. Wooden album, folk art etching/fire work, 31cm x 40cm, bilingual address with signatures. The folder is a writing set, including notelets and paper. ‘For English peacefighters’, from Gliwice in Upper Silesia, Poland.. Gives an account of life following the end of World War Two, [1958] 15. Leather embossed album, with floral design, 41.5cm x 30cm. Contains photographs and text from Nameste n. Osl, showing daily life in the community,.Captions are in Czech. dated 1 August 1958 16. Leather album, 46cm x 30cm. Photographs showing rebuilding of town after World War Two, with community activities. Typescript address signed,written in Polish. [1958] 17. Leather album, 45cm x 29cm. Includes woodcuts and title in Polish, mainly empty. Possibly complements Album 16.
DM2123/FA/Arch/3: Photo albums [Large scale flat box] 18. Oatmeal fabric album entitled ‘The Czecholovak Co-operative Movement’. 41cm x 29cm. Printed in Czech, Russian, and English. With a manuscript title page ‘Devoted to our dear British Guests on their passing our town by…’, Vysoke Myto, 5th August 1958. 19. Oatmeal fabric album with picture of woman and child on front. 46cm x 31.5cm. Includes photographs of children in an institutional or school environment, dated 1958 20. Red folder with eagle coat of arms ‘Wawel Katedra Krolewska’, 31cm x 38cm. Contains 16 printed plates possibly of Krakow Cathedra. Dated 1957, with manuscript dedication 7 August 1958. 21. Red and white folder, 33cm x 44.5cm. Contains manuscript illuminated address in English and Czech, from the women of the Czechoslovak People Party in Brno, [1958] 22. Red album with photograph of square in Ceske Budejovice (České Budějovice) on front. 34cm x 25cm. Contains photographs of the town and community life.Pictures from the local polyclinic.Text in Czech. [1958] 23. Red and green album, 35cm x 25cm. Contains photographs of the community (with English captions), title refers to mir and shows a dove. Soveslav Csr, 1958. Town is Sobeslav. Includes agricultural activities. 24. Green, red and blue album, 34cm x 25cm, with Perspex tassels ‘Zeny vuma Nove mesto nad vahom’. Contains photographs relating to community life with text in Slovak, dated 31 July 1958. 25. Green, red, blue and grey album, 35cm x 25cm. Contains drawings, dedications and letters to the ‘Drahe anglicke matky’, with some English addresses. Greetings from the District Committee of the Czecholovak Union of Fireman in the town of Tisnov. Text written in Czech , 11 July 1958.
DM2123/FA/Arch/4: Photo albums [Large scale flat box] 26. Purple folder with blue, red, and white ribbon, ‘Jednota’, 22.5cm x 31cm. Contains drawing of flowers and a factory, with ‘Jednota Mir’ design. N.d. 27. Book: ‘Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration Camp’, by Jan Sehn, Warszawa, 1957. With a dedication in polish dated 7 July 1958. 28. Brown album entitled Hungary, 46cm x 31cm. Contains text and photographs dated 23 October 1956-1 May 1957, concerning the action against Hungary, and rebellions in Budapest, with pictures of rebellions, dead people, and life after the rebellion. [See also Album 60 for similar volume]. 29. Brown embossed album, 35cm x 25cm. Contains photographs of a rural village called Kunžak in South Bohemia in Czechoslovakia. Accompanied by signed typescript letters in Czech. dated 1956. 30. Blue album (very dirty), 31cm x 23cm. Contains photographs, and dedication from Tirane or Cirance, 1958, with pictures of children. 31. Oatmeal cloth album, 25cm x 33cm. Entitled ‘Tabor CSR’, contains had written letters and drawings to ‘mir’, from the town of Tabor,.Written in Czech. July 1958 32. Red plastic folder. 25cm x 31.5cm. Contains typescript and handwritten letters and signatures in Czech. Handwritten address from "Výbor Žien....Hoŕna Stŕeda", In Slovak. August 1958. 33. Blue folder with drawing of a dove, ‘Rada Zen Ledec n.S.’, 23cm x 31cm. Contains typed address with signatures and photographs from the Women's Committee of Ledeč nad Sázavou, a town in the Křemešnice Highlands,. Text langauge is Czech, 25 July 1958. 34. Brown leather folder with gold embossing, 34.5cm x 25cm. Contains photographs of a community,.Text langauge is Czech. Dated Novy Jicin, 5 Srpna 1958 35. Blue folder entitled ‘Okres Zatec’, 22cm x 31cm, with red white and blue ribbon. Contains illustrations relating to ‘mir’ (peace), addresses and signatures,. Text Language is Czech, 1958 36. Green plastic folder with red white and blue ribbon, 31.5cm x 23cm. Contains signed addresses in Czech,. Has mention of Prague, 1958 37. White slip case containing typed addresses which have been signed in Czech and a typed letter in English from Dr Elisabeth Svitkova. n.d. 38. Illustrated address with folk art flowers ‘Praslavice’. With a dove, and peace written in different languages, with official stamps and signatures of people. N.d. 39. Pink folder ‘Vybory zen okresu Trebic’, 22cm x 31cm. Contains handwritten and typescript addresses with signatures and illustrations in Czech,. July 1958. 40. Grey folder titled ‘Louny Ceskolovensko’. Contains typewritten addresses to World Peace Council in Stockholm from women of Louny okres , Czechsolovakia. Also contains petition to the UN from Women of Ústí nad Labem. Folder also holds a photograph showing hills and illustrations,. Text is in Czech. July 1958.
DM2123/FA/Arch/5: Photo albums [Large scale flat box] 41. Blue folder (with dirt), with dove entitled ‘Celemu Svetu Mir', 'Zeny Okresu Roundnice' N.L ("Peace to all the world", "Women of Roudnice district") ., 24cm x 32cm.Contains illustrations as well as handwritten and typescript addresses with signatures for petitions to the World Peace Council in Stockholm. Czech language text, n.d. 42. Green visitor’s book, 29cm x 22cm. Possibly taken on the Peace Caravan as includes signatures and addresses from Edinburgh, France (Boulogne sur Mer, Lille), Brussels, Paris, Germany, Basel, Italy (Bologna, Verona), Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and British women at the end, 1958-1959. 43. Grey album titled ‘Z nasi prace pro verejnost’ ("from our work for the public") with photographs of women. Photos take in the town of Nivnice,.Czech language text.30cm x 22cm, n.d. 44. Buff folder containing typescript and handwritten addresses with signatures in Albanian,. All documents are acompanied by a French translation .n.d. 45. Orange folder containing typescript and handwritten addresses with signatures in Czech , August 1958 46. Black folder with metal rings, mainly blank, with one sketch of a building, and a pressed fern, n.d. 47. Red folder with ‘Zavody vitezneho unora Hradec Kralove’ on front and picture of a factory with red star, and symbol ZVU, (sticky on back), 21.5cm x31cm. Contains illustrations and address in English: ‘The working women of the Zavody Vitezneho Unora greet the peace caravan of British Women. We assure our British friends that we are their true companions-in-arms for the cause of peace all over the world’. Signed the working women of the Zavody Viterneho unora Hradec Kralove., 4 August 1958. 48. Red folder with castle on front (sticky on back), contains typescript address dated Bratislava,. Language a mixture of Czech and Slovak, 30 July 1958, 23cm x 32cm 49. Brown album with photograph and cork on front, 33.5cm x 25cm. Contains photographs, illustrations and addresses from the women of Jicin District, Czechoslovakia. Has an address in English at the front. 1958 50. Green plastic folder entitled ‘Karavana Miru, Zeny Z Otrokovic’ 23cm x 32cm. Contains addresses and signatures. 51. Green folder with red, white and blue ribbon, 23cm x 31.5cm. Contains engraving of a building and address from the town of Sobotka,. Czech language text. 4/8/1958. 52. Oatmeal fabric folder with red star, wheel, and corn device on front, 22c, x 30cm. Contains addresses and signatures in Czech language to World Peace Council , Stockholm, n.d. 53. Red folder entitled ‘Mirove Poselstvi Zen Okresu Kromeriz’, 22cm x 31cm. Contains illuminated address in Czech, 1958 54. Orange folder with photograph of a town and vineyards entitled ‘Okres Melnik, dse 4 VIII 1958’. Contains typescript address and signatures. Includes address in English. From the Women’s Committee of Libechov and the women of Melnik District. Appeals for work with the Soviet Union, the end of nuclear arms, decries British and American actions against Lebanon and Jordania., 4 August 1958. 55. Printed book ‘A Menzel 1815-1905 zehn farbige gemaldewiedergaben’, produced in Leipzig. Contains reproductions of paintings by Menzel. Signed from a group of German Women in Dresden, 18 August 1958. 56. Buff folder with ‘Jednota’ and device on front. Contains typed address dated Litomerice 1958, with engraving of city architecture, in Czech language. 57. Red folder containing illustrated address and typescript address in Slovak, 1958 58. Green folder (dirty), with drawing of town and entitled ‘Vybory Zen Hranickeho Okresu’("Women's committees of Hranický okres"). Contains artwork, typed and handwritten addresses in Czech language. 1958
DM2123/FA/Arch/6: Photo albums [Large scale flat box, wrapped in plastic. It is possible that the albums in this box have suffered damp in the past. Tissue has been stuck in the three volumes.] 59. Brown plastic album, 34cm x 23cm, with white powder in volume. Contains press cuttings from Zycie Warszawy and other Polish newspapers, presumably reporting the voyage of the Peace Caravan, 1958. 60. Brown volume entitled Hungary, with dirt and things stuck to the cover, 45cm x 31cm. Printed volume containing photographs relating to Imre Nagy and Hungary. [see also Album 28 for similar volume] 61. Green volume, 45cm x 37cm, entitled ‘to the English women: the women of the District of Rosice’. Contains photographs of community scenes. The album has become dismantled.
DM2123/FA/Arch/7: Dora Russell Presentation Dolls [Large scale box]. 1 black hat with ribbons, and 1 extra ribbon. 1 male doll 50cm high wearing red trousers, white shirt, green embroidered waistcoat, with plastic head and hands 1 female doll 50cm high wearing white dress, blue apron, and red head scarf, with plastic head, and cloth hands and feet.
DM2123/FA/Arch/8 Small green box labelled ‘DR Photographs, Britain, France, Czechoslovakia, Albania’ Contains original photographs of the Peace Caravan arranged by Dora Russell, 1958. These are not stored in appropriate archival envelopes, and are in need of more work. Photographs show Dora Russell and the caravan before it has left Britain; unsorted photographs in Europe; France 1958; Czechoslovakia 1958; Albania 1958
DM2123/FA/Arch/9 Small green box labelled ‘DR Collection, Greetings, Petitions’ Contains illuminated greetings to the Dora Russell Peace Caravan by Central European Women. Many are signed by multiple signatures, and some are beautifully illustrated. These correspond to the materials held in the albums [DM2123/FA/Arch/1-6]. The languages used have not been identified, and there are a few English translations; also included are greetings telegrams. Illustrations show doves, children, women, folk art, and nuclear clouds, 1958. Languages probably are Czech, Slovak, and Polish. Country visited is probably Czechoslovakia.
DM2123/FA/Arch/10 Small green box labelled ‘DR Collection, Photographs, Roumania, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia’ Contains original photographs showing Dora Russell and the Peace Caravan. Many have been encapsulated in melinex folders. Photographs show groups of women, meals, presentations, community scenes (children, agrarian scenes, housing, buildings and towns). Mainly labelled and identified, 1958
DM2123/FA/Arch/11 Small green box labelled ‘DR Collection, Letters, Greetings’ Contains original typescript letters and petitions given to Dora Russell and the Peace Caravan as they travelled through Central Europe. Many are signed by officials, and have party stamps. Are written in different languages. Also four photographs of illuminated addresses (originals are probably in the Albums), 1958. Languages probably are Czech, Slovak, and Polish. Country visited is probably Czechoslovakia. DM2123/FA/Arch/12 Records Management Box labelled ‘Dora Russell including books’ ‘Women’s Caravan for Peace’, VHS Video, 1958 film re-edited in 1984 (viewed Dec. 2010) Black folder ‘D/R Folder Joan’. Appears to contain the text of the Dora Russell Brochure. Also book reviews, articles, and press cuttings about Dora Russell. With information about a memorial meeting on 8 July 1986. Additional research notes about Dora Russell and the Peace Caravan including photographs and biographical information about the full time travellers. Blue folder containing reproductions from archive, possibly used for displays on the Peace Caravan. Books: ‘Women of our century…’, Leonie Caldecott, 1984, Ariel Books ‘Writing lives: conversations between women writers’, edited Mary Chamberlain, 1988 ‘The religion of the machine age’, Dora Russell, 1983 ‘The tamarisk tree: my quest for liberty and love’, Dora Russell, 1989, 1978 (2 editions) ‘The tamarisk tree: volume 2: My school and the years of war’, Dora Russell, 1989 ‘The tamarisk tree: volume 3: Challenge to the cold war’, Dora Russell, 1985 ‘The Dora Russell Reader: 57 years of writing and journalism, 1925-1982’, forward by Dale Spender, 1983 Orange folder, with bird device on front in red: contains an address written to the Women’s Peace Caravan’, possibly in Czech, n.d. [1958] 3 illustrated addresses from the Women’s Peace Caravan, showing Bosilec, 15 July 1958; dove with mir and flowers and globe in blue, 23 July 1958; and signatures from Bosilec. (placed in orange folder). Black and red album, 32cm x 23cm, showing community photographs and captions in an unknown language. Also contains samples of fabric. Possibly produced by a fabric factory and given to the Peace Caravan, n.d. [1958] Red album with photograph of lake on front, 22cm x 14cm. Contains photographs of children, ‘Csr-Kyjov-Morava’ with a red white and blue flag. Also some loose photographs, and postcards showing art works in Bratislava. Brown album with photograph of statute of man on front, 34cm x 24.5cm. Contains folk art Uhersky Brod CSR 1958, with photographs of community, letters, women in traditional costume and the like.
DM2123/FA/Arch/13 Records Management Box labelled ‘Dora Russell’ 8 printed volumes probably presented to Dora Russell and the Women’s Peace Caravan, in 1958. ‘Poznan’, with dedication Warszawa, 10 August 1958. ‘Dni Powstania: kronika fotograficzna walczacej warszawy’, Warszawa, 1957 Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz ‘Lazienki Warszawskie’, Warszawa, 1957 ‘Czechoslovakia’, with dedication in English and Czech. Vysoke Myto, 5 August 1958. To the British Women Fighters for Peace! N the occasion of your Peace Campaign we are sending you our friendly greetings in token of our happy life in our socialistic country. Women of Vysoke Myto-CSR’. ‘Artur Gottgier Piec Cyklow Napisal Wieslaw Juszczak’, 1958, Warszawa. With dedication in Polish, from Wroclaw, 10 August 1958. 5 portfolios containing black and white reproductions of art, probably Polish. Includes images of concentration camps (with mention of Auschwitz) (with captions in English, French, Polish and Russian). ‘Nigy Wiecej: reprodukcje obrazow Janiny Tollik, cztery lata przezyc oswiecimia’. Produced by Panstwowe Muzeum Oswiecimiu. Dated Warszawa, 1951. [all the portfolios are the same, box half empty]
DM2123/FA/Arch/14 Records Management Box labelled ‘Dora Russell’ Printed volumes probably presented to Dora Russell and the Women’s Peace Caravan, in 1958. ‘Terezin’, photographs, with multilingual introduction. With photographs of the concentration camp buildings, and inhabitants. 1956. Two copies ‘Wspolczesni malarze polscy’, published in Warszawa, written in Polish, with signatures in front and envelope ‘To the Delegates of the “Peace Caravan of Mothers”’, includes colour reproductions of artwork by different artists. N.d. ‘Kultura polski ludowej: wybor fotografiii z lat 1945-1955’, Produced in Warszawa, 1956. Photographs and artwork relating to Polish life. ‘Bapha’ (in Cyrillic), with handwritten dedication 18 July 1958, and introduction in multiple languages. The town in question is Varna on the Black Sea in Bulgaria. ‘Po Pracy’, in Polish, showing photographs of daily life, with striking modern artwork on covers, includes handwritten dedication, 10 August 1958. ‘Les maquis de France: peintures de Jean Amblard, texts de A. Gillot, P. Eluard, E. Triolet, J. Gaucheron’, Paris: Les Editions Cercle d’Art. Signed ‘Paix, amities, 30 July 1958’. Describes paintings in the Mairie of Saint Denis, France. ‘Zinowij Tolkaczew Kwiaty Oswiecimia’, 1956. Shows scenes of concentration camps, English title ‘Flowers of Oswiecim’. 4 copies, three with coloured dust jacket which has a handwritten dedications dated August 1958. ‘Zielen Warszawy: fotografie, uklad I opracowanie graficzne’, by Henryk Lisowski, Warszawa, 1956, in Polish, with photographs, includes handwritten dedication to the Caravan of Peace form the women of Warsaw (Srodmiescie District), Warsaw, 6 August 1958. ‘Slovenske Kupele a Zriedla’, Osveata Martin 1957. With handwritten dedication, dated Pieslany, 31 July 1958. ‘Czechoslovakia’, colour illustrated book in English, with handwritten dedication. ‘Bratislava’, by Eugen Lazistan, 1956 ‘Miasto nieujarzmione’, Iskry, 1957, with photographs and text in Polish. Handwritten dedication dated 10 August 1958 ‘Budapest: the Hungarian capital in pictures’, n.d., with captions in English and French. ‘Na szczytach tatr’, Warszawa, 1956, with captions in Polish. Handwritten dedication dated 25 July 1958 ‘Warszawskie Stare Miasto’, with handwritten dedication. 1955 ‘MDM: Marszalkowska dzielnica mieszkaniowa’, produced by Polish Tourist Agency, 1952. With hand written dedication dated 10 August 1958 ‘Wiersze o starym miescie’ by Artur Oppman, 1955, poetry with illustrations probably in Polish. ‘Education in Czechoslovakia’ ‘Terezin Little Fortress: the ghetto’, in English, by Jan Vodicka Chairman of the Union of Anti Fascist Fighters.
DM2123/FA/Arch/15 Records Management Box labelled ‘Dora Russell’ [Of particular interest in this box is the folder containing a typescript account of the Caravan by Dora Russell’] Grey folder: ‘Dora Russell Caravan of Peace Journey and Comment ‘We called on Europe’ script. Contains copy typescript ‘We called on Europe: the story of the Women’s Caravan of Peace 1958’, by Dora Russell. With manuscript corrections. Appears to be an account of events on the journey, including arrangements, people met and the like. 168 + 9 pages, [1980]
Black box file: ‘Dora Russell Correspondence and Maps’ Contains photocopies of some of the photographs. Letters to and from Katharine Tait (Daughter of Dora Russell), 1987. Discussion of receipt of some additional materials for the archive, and discussing move of archive to Amsterdam. Correspondence concerning a Mabel Ridealgh who was a member of the Peace Caravan, 1982-1987 Correspondence between Dora Russell and members of the Feminist Archive concerning the deposit of materials relating to the Peace Caravan. Presumably this is the material now held in this Archive, 1984-1985. General correspondence relating to Dora Russell, the Feminist Archive, and other similar topics, 1985-1997 List of some of the materials which came to the archive, dated JH [Joan Hammond] 31 October 1988. Correspondence between Margaret Glover, Portrait Artist, and the Feminist Archive, concerning the possible purchase of a portrait of Dora Russell (painted in 1985), 1988. Road map: Europe long distance roads; Berne, Switzerland; Kummerly + Frey, includes typescript Caravan route, n.d. Map of the Balkans, Berne, Switzerland; Kummerly + Frey, n.d. Foreign Itinerary from Dunkerque to Boulogne, produced by the RAC for Dora Russell, includes town plans and typescript route, n.d. [1958] Two original leaflets produced to publicise the Women’s Caravan of Peace. One is labelled ‘West to East Women’s Caravan of Peace’, and signed by supporters. N.d. Envelope containing marked map for France, publicity material in French and English, assorted notes; arrangements for a European March in 1961; Permanent International Committee of Mothers, Sofia, 20-22 February 1958 papers; typescript in German. Black box file ‘Dora Russell and drawn posters and letters from various towns’. Contains five illuminated addresses received on the Peace Caravan in 1958. From Ceska Lipa District, Liberec Region, Czechoslovakia; Hrusky; Basovciach; and Lovosice
‘…In a man’s world: the eclipse of woman’, Dora Russell, In Anarchy, 56 (vol 5, no. 10), October 1965. ‘Dora Russell, The Long Campaign’, New Humanist, December 1974
DM2123/FA/Arch/16 Records Management Box labelled ‘Dora Russell’ Dora Russell Box File 1 Green folder containing postcards and photographs from Peace Caravan. Two printed booklets on Svit Factory in Gottwaldov. Printed booklets on Bratislava, Dr N Minovici Folk Art Museum in Bucharest; Rumanian tourist map; ‘Calauza Gradinii Botanice din Cluj’ by Dr E Topa, 1956. ‘Bedrich Smetana’, by Miloslav Maly, Prague, 1956 15 envelopes containing typescript addresses from communities which the Peace Caravavan visited. Blue folder containing typescript address with signatures. Green folder containing typescript address with signatures. Buff folder containing typescript address with signatures. Dora Russell Box File 2 Contains folders with typescript addresses with signatures from communities which the Peace Caravan visited. Some are written in English. [1958] Also 13 envelopes. Unlabelled box file Contains c.22 illustrated typescript addresses with signatures form communities which the Peace Caravan visited. Some are written in English. [1958] Dora Russell No. 5 Czech box file Contains illustrated and plain typescript addresses with signatures form communities which the Peace Caravan visited. Some are written in English. Probably relate to Czechoslovakia. [1958] Hannah Lowery December 2010 Also two bundles of the Dora Russell brochure produced by the Feminist Archive See also Plan Chest Drawer 4 for additional papers |