
Ref NoDM1843/8
TitleEunice Frost Papers Box 8
Correspondents include: Margery Allingham, Michael Ayrton, Peggie Beaton, William Byrne, Noel Carrington, John Carter, Hugh Casson, Apsley Cherry-Garrard, Richard Chopping, Kenneth Clark [re. Penguin Modern Painters], Cyril Connolly, Christian Darnton, Clifford Dyment, Ernestine Evans, E.M. Forster, Barnett Freedman, Victor Gollancz Ltd., Jan Gordon, Eleanor Graham, Graham Greene, Tony Guthrie, James Harley, Derry Heir, Allen Lane [including a letter concerning Richard Hoggart's Uses of Literacy, 7 March 1957], Lettice Lane [inviting Eunice to Clare Lane's christening, 22 June 1942], John Lehmann, Naomi Lewis, Cecily Mackworth, Ruari Maclean, R.W. (Bob) Maynard, Lotte Meitner-Graf, Henry Moore, [J.R. Muirhead?], Barry Neame, Mrs Henry W. Nevinson (Evelyn Sharp), Ben Nicholson, Richard Pares, Ronald Penrose, Harriet F. Pilpel (Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst), Harold Raymond, Dorothy L. Sayers, Laurence Scarfe, Georges Simenon, Denise Simenon, Edith Sitwell, Dr. William J. L. Sladen, Margaret Stanley-Wrench, John Summerson, Katherine Sutherland, A.J.A. Symons, Ralph Tubbs, Conrad Hal Waddington, John Wain, Josiah C. Wedgwood, William Emrys Williams, Edward Young.

Letters of congratulation sent to Eunice Frost following her receipt of an OBE in 1957 and on being appointed a director at Penguin in 1958.

Penguin Books Ltd. correspondence, 1944-1958. Including correspondence concerning a dispute between Penguin Books and Professor A.J. Ayer's following his granting rights to publish a cloth-bound edition to Messrs. Macmillan and Co. Ltd. in 1957.

Printed material:
List of the first 534 Armed Services Editions published for American Armed Forces Overseas, 1943-1945.

Stock order list of Penguin titles available in June 1943.

E. Westphal's ration books, 1951-1952, 1952-1953.

Booking details of Eunice Frost's booking as a first class passenger on board the S.S. Parthia sailing from Liverpool to New York on 3 May 1952.

Scoring cards for Lord's cricket ground, 1953.

'The Bookseller', 28 July 1956. The cover features an advertisement for Penguin's 21st anniversary.

Extract from 'The People', 11 November 1956.

'Printing Press & Publishing News', 3 January 1957. Includes a reference to Eunice Frost being awarded an O.B.E.

'The Bookseller', 5 January 1957. Includes a reference to Eunice Frost being awarded an O.B.E.

James Laver, 'The Cradle of Venus': an offprint from 'The Scallop', 1957.

Instructions for using the Hanovia Home Sun Lamp, n.d. Typed on a Penguin Books Ltd. postcard.

Admission ticket to the Queen Victoria Memorial Garden Stands on 12 May 1937 for the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Invitation to view an exhibition at Redfern Gallery of paintings by Edward Wolfe, original etching by Edouard Manet and drawings by D. de Segonzac, June 1944.

Invitation from the president and trustees of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, to the private opening of a retrospective exhibition of Marc Chagall on 9 April 1946.

Invitation from the publishers and editors of King Penguin Books to attend a party on 23 June 1949 to celebrate the publication of the fiftieth King Penguin.

Literary manuscripts:
Typescripts of two poems submitted by Eunice Frost to the Week-End Competition no.1,026, n.d.

Typescript account of a meeting of the Society of Writers for Intellectual Liberty. The chairman, John Brophy, is described as 'laborious', Philip Guedalla as 'sincere', Compton Mackenzie 'got everyone flaming against anti-Semetism', Sylvia Townsend Warner was the only woman who wasn't futile, Rosamond Lehmann 'looked lovely and pleaded for Our Children', Desmond Macarthy made 'perhaps the most reasoned and intelligent speech', Cecil Day Lewis appealed for a 'Peace front of intelligent thinking people', Rose Macaulay 'was futile'. The meeting concluded with 'everyone united in agreeing that Fascism was a complete dead-end as far as intellectual freedom and initiative was concerned'.

Typed reference for Eunice Frost [from the organizer of the Chelsea Arts Ball].
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