Description | Copies of outgoing correspondence by Isambard Kingdom Brunel covering 13 August 1846 to 15 March 1848. Please note that this summary has not been checked against the original letterbook, but gives a good summary of the contents of Letterbook 5. (360 folios)
Some folio numbers have not been used and this is clear in the text.
pp.200-201, RP Brereton to E Jones, Bridgewater [ironwork supplier]: 'The strengthening grid for Ashburton Road Bridge being ready - will you have the goodness to provide it to the extent shown on the tracing -noting the deflections', 7 June 1847 p.237 RP Brereton to G Berkeley, concerning an aqueduct for the Chard Canal, Creech St Michael, near Taunton, Somerset, 6 August 1847