
Ref NoDM1310/H/79-169
TitleH.100-H.169 - Visits and Conferences, 1970-1987
DescriptionH.100-H.169 - Visits and Conferences, 1970-1987

H.79, H.80. British Polymer Physics Group Conference on Polymer Chain Flexibility, Colchester, 7-9 January.

H.79. Programmes; list of participants; information; correspondence re Soviet participation.

H.80. Abstracts, some annotated by Frank; Frank's manuscript notes on proceedings.

H.81. High Polymer Research Group Conference on Relaxation Phenomena in Polymers, Moretonhampstead, Devon, 4-8 May.
Invitation with letter of acceptance; programme; information.

H.82-H.85. Visit to USA and Canada, August September.
Frank was invited to attend the Gordon Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy, Tilton, NH, 24-28 August. In advance of the conference he visited Bell Telephone Laboratories at Murray Hill, NJ and GE's laboratory at Schenectady, and was invited to IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center.
Following the conference Frank spent a week at the Institute for Materials Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario as Visiting Lecturer.

H.82. Itineraries; lists of addresses.

H.83. Correspondence re arrangements; programmes; list of participants etc. for Gordon conference. Frank spoke on "The Earth - the largest accessible specimen for the solid-state physicist".

H.84. Correspondence with colleagues at other US research centres.

H.85. Correspondence with colleagues at McMaster University re Visiting Lectureship; schedule; notice of Frank's lectures "The mechanics of the Earth's crust" and "Processes for aligning polymer molecules".

Invitations for 1970
H.86. Conference on the Yield Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, Churchill College Cambridge, March/April.
NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Moon and Planets, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 9-16 April.
Conference on Law, Science and Politics : Water Pollution and its Effects considered as a World Problem, Aberystwyth, 11-12 July
International Conference on the Science and Technology of Iron and Steel, Tokyo, 7-11 September.

H.87. Colloquium on Liquid Crystals, Pont-à-Mousson, Nancy, 27 June - 3 July. Frank chaired the first session.
Correspondence with organisers; programmes; lists of participants; Frank's manuscript notes on proceedings.

H.88. International Symposium on X-ray Topography, Bristol, 29 September - 1 October. Frank delivered the Opening Address.
Information; draft of Address.

Invitations for 1971
H.89. Institute of Science Technology meetings, Bristol, April-May.
Society of Metals Science Japan, International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Kyoto, 15-20 August.
Exeter University discussion meeting on Indentation Hardness of Solids, 23-24 September. 1972

H.90-H.94. Europhysics Conference on Disclinations, Aussois, France, 21 23 June. Frank was joint organiser with M. Kléman and chaired the first session.

H.90-1.92. Correspondence with Kléman and possible participants, and with institutions and companies re funding, 1971-72. 3 folders.

H.93. Programme; list of participants; disclination bibliographies; Frank's manuscript notes.

H.94. Abstracts.

Invitations for 1972
H.95. Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Plastics, Andover, NH, 26-30 June.
[Soviet] All-Union Conference on Crystal Growth, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 16-23 September.

H.96. Plastics Institute 2nd International Conference on Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, Churchill College Cambridge, 26-29 March.
Press notice; invitations to sum up proceedings. The notice is annotated by Frank "I want to go. I don't expect to offer a paper".

Invitations for 1973
H.97. Israel Association of Growth of Crystals and Thin Films 4th Annual Meeting, Bar Ilan University, 4 January.
International Summer School on Point Defects and their Interaction with the other kind of Lattice Imperfections, Zakopane, Poland, 18-30 June.
1st European Crystallographic Meeting, Bordeaux, 5-8 September.

H.98, H.99. Symposium on Dissociation of Dislocations and Associated Two dimensional Defects, with emphasis on their effects on Mechanical Properties, Beaune, France, 9-12 September. Frank was a member of the Advisory Committee.

H.98. Correspondence with organisers; information circular; list of participants.

H.99. Abstracts.

H.100. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 16th General Assembly, Grenoble, 25 August - 6 September. Frank delivered a review paper on "Snow Crystals to the International Symposium on Snow and Ice Crystals held under the auspices of the General Assembly.
Circulars; abstract of Frank's contribution.

H.101-H.105. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Surface Effects in Crystal Plasticity, Hohegeiss, FRG, 5-14 September. Frank delivered the concluding Summary Lecture (Bibliog. 133).

H.101. Invitation; correspondence re arrangements.

H.102. Information; programme; list of participants.

H.103. Abstracts.

H.104. A4 notepad used by Frank for notes on proceedings.

H.105. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Frank's lecture.

Invitations for 1975
H.106. 2nd Liquid Crystal Forum, Leeds, 5-6 April.
L'Association Bourguignonne des Sociétés Savantes annual conference, Beaune, France, 25-27 May.
Institution of Metallurgists autumn review course on Innovation Management in Metallurgy, Bristol, 31 October - 2 November,
European Conference on Physics of Smectics and their Applications, Les Arcs, France, 15-18 December.

H.107. Royal Astronomical Society Discussion Meeting on Solid State Physics and Geophysics, London, 12 November. Frank spoke "On the significance of Grüneisen's Gamma". See D.122, D.123.
Programme and brief correspondence.

Invitation for 1976
H.108. First European Conference on Crystal Growth, Zürich, 12-18 September.

H.109. Visit to Paris, 15 February - 15 July.
In 1975 J. Friedel invited Frank to spend a few months after his retirement working at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université de Paris-Sud. Whilst in France Frank gave lectures to Association Française de Cristallographie ("Consequences of pressure changes in the interior of the Earth caused by differentiation of the upper mantle"), Paris, 4 May; Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolecules, Strasbourg, 24 May; Laboratoire de Physique des Solides ("Some examples of new phase states: domains in magnetic bubble plates and nematic thin films"), 2 June.
Correspondence and papers re visit; material re lectures.

H.110. Royal Astronomical Society UK Geophysical Assembly, Edinburgh, 12-15 April.
Advance notices; copy of registration form filled in by Frank "If in UK I would wish to attend".

H.111. University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Geophysics Colloquium, 22 June. Frank spoke on coupling between mantle and core.
Brief correspondence only. Frank was visiting Newcastle as External Examiner (K.11-K.17).

H.112, H.113. 6th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics: Phase Transitions in Bulk Polymers, Varna, Bulgaria, 26-29 September. Frank was on the Scientific Committee and spoke on "Phase transitions".

H.112. Invitation; correspondence with organisers; draft of Frank's paper "Corrected; as delivered Varna 26 Sept. 1977"; related correspondence.

H.113. Conference handbook.

Invitations for 1977
H.114. Dielectrics Society --meeting on Anisotropic -Dielectrics, Cambridge, 29-31 March.
Symposium on Crystallinity Control and Polymer Mechanics, Chicago, 28 August - 2 September.
International Glaciological Society symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice, Cambridge, 11-16 September.
5th (Soviet] All-Union Meeting on Crystal Growth, Tbilisi, 16-20 September.
Meeting on physical aspects of polymer science, Lyons, 27-28 October.
International Conference on Metaphor, Melbourne, 15-19 December

H.115. 7th International Liquid Crystal Congress, Bordeaux, 3-7 July. Frank was on the Scientific Committee of the Congress.
Brief correspondence re meetings of the Scientific Committee.

H.116. Visit to USA, July-August.
Frank was invited to IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center, NJ, for consultancy work (see G.117, G.118). While in the US he attended the 4th American Conference on Crystal Growth, Gaithersburg, MD, 16-20 July to receive the first Crystal Growth Award of the American Association for Crystal Growth.
Annotated conference brochure; press release announcing the award; brief correspondence from American colleagues.

H.117. 8th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics: Structural Aspects common to Synthetic and Biological Macromolecules (including methods of examination), Bristol, 19-22 September
Information; programme; booking form "sent 6/1/78".

H.118. Sektion für Kristallwachstum der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Kristallographie meeting, Brig, Switzerland, 5-8 October. Frank spoke on "Theory of the growth of snow crystals".
Correspondence and notes re arrangements; programme; unidentified photographs and graphs. For photographs of Frank taken during meeting see A.97.

Invitations for 1978
H.119. Conference on Physics and Applications of Smectic and Lyotropic Liquid Crystals, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, 9-13 January.
NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Mechanism of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 29 March - 7 April.

H.120. Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth, Santa Barbara, CA, 15-19 January Frank chaired the guest presentation.
Invitation; correspondence with organisers and colleagues; programme; list of participants; draft of "Introductory remarks for evening session ... in particular, introducing Dr. Mandell"; manuscript notes etc.

H.121. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mechanism of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 27 March - 10 April. Frank spoke on "The effect of anisotropy on conduction in the mantle".
Preliminary programme; brief correspondence re publication of proceedings; draft of Frank's paper; manuscript notes and calculations.

H.122. Royal Astronomical Society meeting, University College Durham, 10-11 April.
Programme and menu only. Not otherwise documented.

H.123. 2nd European Conference on Crystal Growth, Lancaster, 10-15 September.
Initial invitation, annotated "Answered 'Yes'"; invitation to be Guest of Honour and to chair a session.

H.124. Seminar, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, 8 November.
Letter and telegrams re arrangements; letter arising.

H.125-H.138. Visit to India, December-February.
The Indian Academy of Sciences originally invited Frank to India as Raman Visiting Professor for 1978 when Dorothy Hodgkin, who had declined the Academy's 1977 invitation, was thought to be again unavailable. Subsequently Hodgkin indicated her willingness to visit India and Frank's visit was postponed for a year.
Although as Visiting Professor he was based at the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, Frank was able to visit Indian research centres and colleagues in Madras, Kalpakkam, Delhi, New Delhi, Kanpur and Mysore. Frank also attended a liquid crystals conference arranged to coincide with his arrival at which he gave the opening lecture.

H.125. Correspondence and Frank's notes re arrangements for visit (including postponement), 1978-79.

H.126, H.127. International Conference on Liquid Crystals, Raman Research Institute, 3-8 December. Frank spoke on "What is the director of a liquid crystal?"

H.126. Correspondence with S. Chandrasekhar re arrangements; copy of Frank's contribution; copy of paper by W. Helfrich delivered at the conference with letter from Frank suggesting amendments.

H.127. Conference handbook.

H.128. Raman Research Institute, Bangalore.
Information on Institute activities.

H.129. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Brief correspondence re visit to Physics Department; Frank's criticisms of an article by Institute members, with their rebuttals; material re total solar eclipse, 16 February, including accounts by Frank and his wife; invitation to the Inauguration of the International Winter School on Crystallographic Computing by Sir John Kendrew.

H.130. Madras, 9-11 January.
Frank visited the Reactor Research Centre, Kalpakkam, where he gave a seminar on "Personal reminiscences of the history of crystal defects", the British Centre where he spoke on "Prince Rupert's Drops", and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
Brief correspondence; notices for Frank's talks,

H.131. National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, 13-20 January.
Frank delivered the 14th Krishnan Memorial Lecture on "Interaction between scientific disciplines: can study of liquid crystals teach anything of importance for Geophysics?"
Correspondence re lecture; manuscript and typescript drafts of lecture with calculations and lists of references found with them.

H.132. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 20-27 January.
Frank spoke at a colloquium on "Consequences of pressure change in Earth's interior resulting from the differentiation of the Upper Mantle" and gave an Institute Lecture on "Prince Rupert's Drops: a long chapter in the history of materials science".
Correspondence re arrangements; programme for Frank's visit.

H.133. Solid-State Physics Laboratory, Delhi, January.
Frank offered to speak on "Recollections of the history of crystal defect studies".
Brief correspondence only.

H.134. Invitations to visit Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad and the Physical Society, Sir Theagaraya College, Madras.

H.135. Photographs and slides of the charnockite margins at Kabbaldurga, visited 25 February (F.C.F., private communication, 9 September 1989).

H.136-H.138. Miscellaneous memorabilia. 3 folders.

H.139. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Physics of Defects, Les Houches, France, 28 July - 30 August. Frank gave a short course on the history of defects and organised an informal session on smectics.
Correspondence with organisers re arrangements; programmes; background material; manuscript notes and figures.

H.140-H.142. Visit to USA, 17 October - 15 November.
Frank was initially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the US National Academy of Engineering to receive formal recognition as a Foreign Associate Member (A.27, F.194).
In the US Frank also served as consultant for IBM at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY (see G.119, G.120) and visited research centres in New York, Massachusetts and Colorado.

H.140. Frank's manuscript notes re arrangements, including itineraries.

H.141. National Academy of Engineering 16th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 29-30 October.
Correspondence re arrangements; programme, etc.

H.142. Correspondence with colleagues re visits to National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 31 October; National Center for Weather Research, Boulder, CO, 8-12 November; Harvard University, 12-15 November. At each Frank spoke on "Definitions of supersaturation".

Invitations for 1989
H.143. Reading University Physics Department colloquium, February.
Post Office Research Centre, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, April or May.
Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth, Holderness, NH, 14-18 July
4th International Conference on Magnetic Bubbles, Tokyo, 24-27 September.

H.144. United Nations Association seminar on the need for disarmament, Bristol, 17 October. Frank was chairman.
Brief correspondence re arrangements.

Invitations for 1981
H.145. Workshop on Nucleation, Les Houches, France, 18-28 February.
Conference on High Temperature Plasticity, Les Houches, 19-27 March.
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Early Evolution of the Planets and their Atmospheres, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 23 March - 3 April.
Gordon Conference on Liquid Crystals, New London, NH, 6-10 July.
International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior symposium on the Properties of Materials at High Pressures and Temperatures, London, Ontario, July.

H.146, H.147. 2nd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Manchester, 22-25 March. Frank spoke at the conference dinner.

H.146. Invitation; programme; list of participants; general information.

H.147. Correspondence re publication of Frank's contribution in Physica Scripta including proof with Frank's corrections. Not listed in Bibliog.

H.148, H.149. Visit to Spain 13 April - 3 May.
Frank visited Spain at the invitation of the Instituto di Fisica del Estado Solido of the Autonomous University of Madrid, supported by the Royal Society European Programme. He also visited the Complutense University Madrid, the Universities of Seville and Saragossa, and the University of the Basque Countries, Bilbao.

H.148. Invitation; correspondence re arrangements; autobiographical note by Frank introducing a paper on "Crystal growth without dislocations"; itineraries.

H.149. Frank's "Report on an R.S.E.P. visit to Spain" and correspondence arising from the visit.

H.150, H.151. Visit to USA, July.
Frank attended a Gordon Research Conference and served as a consultant for IBM (G.121, G.122). He also visited friends in Vermont.

H.150. Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Growth, Plymouth, NH, 12-16 July. Frank spoke on "Crystal growth without dislocations".
Correspondence re arrangements; programme; list of participants; background information. For group photograph of participants with key, see A.97.

H.151. Correspondence with H. Brooks, Bread Loaf, VT, re visit, 7-11 July.

Invitation for 1982
H.152. Lecture course on Polymer Science, University of Massachusetts,

H.153. Cambridge University Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science colloquium, 28 February.
Brief correspondence re arrangements.

H.154. Maison Française d'Oxford Colloquium on Technical Terms in French and English, 28-29 March.
Correspondence re arrangements; programme; background information.

Invitations for 1983
H.155. Workshop on Clays and the Origin of Life, Glasgow, 18-24 July
6th International Summer Institute in Surface Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 22-26 August.
2nd International Seminar on the Living State, New Delhi, November.

H.156-H.158. Eshelby Memorial Symposium on Fundamentals of Deformation and Fracture, Sheffield, 2-5 April. Frank was a General Consultant to the Symposium's Advisory Board.
Correspondence, and material sent to Frank as Consultant (programme, abstracts etc.).
3 folders.

H.159. 10th International Liquid Crystal Conference, York, 15-21 July. Frank gave the Introduction.
Draft of first paragraphs of the Introduction; extensively annotated reprint of Frank's "Introductory remarks" made at a 1983 Royal Society meeting on Liquid Crystals (not otherwise documented); International Liquid Crystal Song.

H.160. European Workshop on NDE of Polymers and Polymer Matrix Composites, Termas de Vimeiro, Portugal, 4-5 September. Frank spoke on "Orientation mapping", Bibliog. 142.
Correspondence re arrangements; programme; list of participants; list of references from C. Upstill "for the atmospheric optics we were discussing in Portugal".

Invitation for 1984
H.161. Workshop on Colloidal Crystals, Les Houches, France, 13-24 February.

H.162. International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Science and Technology, Rolduc Abbey, Limburg, Holland, 14-18 April, Frank was a member of the Meeting's Advisory Committee.
Correspondence from A. Keller and organisers.

H.163. Visit to Paris, 27-30 June.
Itinerary only.

H.164. Symposium in Honour of David Turnbull on Phase Transitions in Condensed Systems - Experiments and Theory, Boston, MA, 5-6 December. Frank was co-chairman of the session on Crystal growth and solid state transitions.
Invitation; correspondence re arrangements; programme; abstracts.

Invitation for 1985
H.165. Indian Academy of Sciences Golden Jubilee Meeting, Bangalore, 6-8 February

H.166. Visit to Canada, 6-23 August. Travel documents only.

Invitation for 1986
H.167. 4th Hungarian Conference on Crystal Growth/1st International Symposium on Shaped Crystal Growth.

H.168. International Conference to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Pion, Bristol, 22-24 July. Frank participated in a Round Table Discussion with H. Fröhlich, C.M.G. Lattes, B. Marshak and others.
Invitation; poster; preliminary programme.

Invitations for 1987
H.169. Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals, Wolfeboro, NH, 22-26 June.
International Workshop on Quasicrystals, Peking, 30 August - 5 September.
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