Description | H.1-H.78 - Visits and Conferences, 1939-1969
1939 H.1. ICI (Plastics) Ltd. colloquium, Billingham, Durham, 6 January. Frank spoke on "The high frequency electrical behaviour of plastics and other insulating materials". Correspondence re arrangements; advance summary of Frank's contribution.
1948 H.2. Colston Research Society Symposium on Cosmic Radiation, Bristol, 20-24 September. HMSO diary for 1946 used from the front for Frank's notes on proceedings, including loose manuscript notes. At the back are unrelated notes and calculations. Brief correspondence re publication of Frank's report on the symposium
1949 H.3. British Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting, Newcastle, 31 August - 7 September. Frank spoke on "Recent investigations at Bristol University". Brief correspondence only.
Invitations for 1949 H.4. British Rheologists' Club, 26 September. Société Française de Métallurgie autumn meeting, Paris, 3-8 October.
1950 H.5. Visit to Paris, January, Brief correspondence, 1949-50, re visit of Frank and N.F. Mott.
H.6, H.7. Visit to USA, 15 April - 23 June. Frank was initially invited to present a paper at the Office of Naval Research/Carnegie Institute of Technology Conference on the Fundamentals of the Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Solids (title later changed to Deformation of Metals), Pittsburgh, PA, 19-20 May, where he spoke on "The origin of dislocations". He also attended a conference on recrystallisation at Notre Dame and was invited to visit and speak at other research centres. See H.6 for itinerary.
H.6. Invitations; correspondence re arrangements with colleagues; itinerary for 20 April - 30 May.
H.7. Conference on Recrystallisation, Notre Dame, IN, 1-2 June. Correspondence; programme; Frank's notes on papers presented.
Invitation for 1951 H.8. Conference on Dielectrics, Liverpool, July.
1953 H.9. Conference on Lattice Defects and the Electrical Resistivity of Metals, Birmingham, 24-25 April. Programme with Frank's manuscript notes on back.
H.10. Symposium on Crystal Plasticity, 18 May. Manuscript notes (not in Frank's hand) headed "Dislocation loops crossing a cluster of screw dislocations (at the Symposium on Crystal Plasticity, 5/18, 1953)".
H.11-H.22. Visit to Japan, September-October. Frank visited Japan for the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Conference on Theoretical Physics, Kyoto and Tokyo, September, and its associated symposia and meetings. He chaired a session of the Conference and spoke on "Visual evidence of dislocations" at a pre-conference Symposium on Crystal Plasticity and Deformation, Nikko, 12-13 September. Frank also attended several informal meetings and visited a number of Japanese research centres.
H.11. Correspondence with organisers re arrangements for IUPAP conference; lists of participants; programme.
H.12. US IUPAP National Committee information notes for the American delegation.
H.13. Programmes for the Nikko symposium; manuscript and typescript drafts of Frank's contribution.
H.14. Annotated programme for Informal Meeting on Crystal Dislocation, Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals, Tohoku University, 29 September, attended by Frank and N.F. Mott. With information on the Research Institute.
H.15. Frank's manuscript notes on discussion on "Science and Peace". Participants included R.P. Feynman and several Japanese scientists.
H.16. Material re other meetings and lectures.
H.17, H.18. Information on Japanese research centres. 2 folders.
H.19. Photographs (some mounted, probably used by Frank to illustrate his lectures).
H.20. Invitations and information sent to Conference delegates re "Hiroshima", a Japanese film shown at Tokyo University during the conference.
H.21, H.22. Miscellaneous memorabilia. 2 folders.
1954 H.23. United Steel Companies Ltd. Conference for University Lecturers and Tutors in Science and Engineering on Iron and Steel Making, Research and Engineering, Sheffield University, 6-11 September. Programme; lists of participants.
1955 H.24. S.O. hardback notebook used by Frank for notes on unidentified conference [? on irradiation], July. Participants include A.H. Cottrell, N.F. Mott, E.W.J. Mitchell, G.F.J. Garlick, H.S.W. Massey, M.H.L. Pryce.
H.25. International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Colloquium, San Lorenzo del Escorial, Spain, September. Signed menu and hotel bill. Not otherwise documented.
1956 H.26, H.27. Visit to USA and Canada, May-September. During this period Frank served as consultant to General Electric (GE) at their Research Laboratory Schenectady, NY (see G.100, G.102). Whilst in North America Frank attended a number of conferences including the International Congress on Theoretical Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, 17-21 September.
H.26. Invitation to Seattle Congress; correspondence with organisers and Frank's manuscript notes re arrangements; list of participants; preliminary programme etc.
H.27. Material re other engagements fulfilled by Frank. These included Special Physics Colloquium, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 19 July; Gordon Research Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of Metals, 23-27 July; Canadian Metal Physics Conference, Edmonton, 22-24 August. Frank also appeared in a television programme on Crystals broadcast in San Francisco, 24 September (see E.78).
1957 H.28. Birmingham University Research colloquium, 16 April. Frank spoke on "Complex alloy structures and the packing of spheres" (see D.44, D.45). Correspondence re arrangements.
1958 H.29-H.31. Visit to USA. Frank served as consultant to GE at their Research Laboratory, Schenectady, NY, in the summer of 1958 (see G.102-G.108). Whilst in the US Frank attended international conferences at Rochester and Cooperstown, NY, and was invited to speak at colloquia in Washington, D.C. and at the University of Maryland.
H.29. International Conference on Superconductors, University of Rochester, NY, 18-22 August. Programme; Frank's manuscript notes.
H.30. International Conference on Crystal Growth, Cooperstown, NY, 27-29 August. Frank gave the Introductory Lecture and papers on "Theory of dissolution shapes and transient growth shapes of crystals" and "Electron microscope observations of moire patterns in single crystals of Polyethylene" (with A.W. Agar and A. Keller). Programme; list of participants; Frank's manuscript notes; "Extemporaneous comments" by F. Seitz. For photographs of Frank and conference photograph with key, see A.96.
H.31. Invitation to Frank to speak at the Greater Washington Solid State Physics and University of Maryland Physics Department colloquia.
H.32-H.40. "Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles". Contents of envelope so imprinted: duplicated typescript information sheets explaining exhibits displayed at the Exposition. The material is divided into four sections entitled "Atom", "Molecule", "Crystal" and "Living Cell". Most of the information sheets are in English, but a few are in French, German or Dutch. Frank visited the Exposition with Professor Willi de Keyser, head of the Mineralogy Department of Ghent University, who organised the crystallography exhibits. Frank had considerable research interests in common with the Mineralogy Department at Ghent and had received an honorary degree from the University three years earlier.
H.32, H.33. "Atom" section. 2 folders.
H.34-H.36. "Molecule" section. 3 folders.
H.37, H.38. "Crystal" section. 2 folders.
H.39, H.40. "Living Cell" section. 2 folders.
1961 H.41. High Polymer Research Group Conference on the Relation between Chemical Structure and Physical Properties of Elastomers with Particular Reference to the Fundamental Aspects of the Subject, Moretonhampstead, Devon, 17-21 April. Programme with list of participants. H.42. National Research Development Corporation Solid State Sciences Conference on The Mechanical Properties of Solids, Caius College Cambridge, 13-17 July. Frank spoke on "Polymers". Programme; draft Conference Report; transcript of Frank's contribution.
H.43. Visit to Czechoslovakia, 18 September - 2 October. Frank was a member of a British Council delegation to Czechoslovakia which visited universities in Prague, Bratislava, Brno and Olomouc. Correspondence with British Council re arrangements; itineraries; reports on visit for the British Council by delegation members.
1962 H.44. Visit to USA. Frank again served as consultant to GE at Schenectady in late summer (G.110-G. 113). While in the US he attended the American Chemical Society Symposium on Crystallisation of Polymers, Atlantic City, NJ, 10-11 September. Programme; abstracts; Frank's manuscript notes on proceedings re Atlantic City Symposium.
H.45. International Conference on Lattice Defects, Kyoto, 7-12 September. Correspondence with organisers and Royal Society re financial arrangements. Frank had initially intended to participate in the conference but later withdrew.
1963 H.46. Conference on High Magnetic Fields, Brasenose College Oxford, 10-11 July. Programme (with alteration by Frank); abstracts.
H.47, H.48. International Conference on the Science of Superconductivity, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, 26-29 August.
H.47. Invitation; correspondence re arrangements.
H.48. Conference handbook.
1964 H.49. National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science meeting "to discuss the provision of a UK high flux thermal neutron source", Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, Berks. , 3 July. Brief correspondence with Sir John Cockcroft, chairman; programme; background information.
1964-65 H.50-H.52. Visit to USA. Frank spent nine months in California as Visiting Professor at the University of California's Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, La Jolla, San Diego. In the US he visited colleagues at a number of other research establishments and attended a VESIAC conference on Shallow Seismic Events,
H.50. Correspondence with colleagues re visits; manuscript notes for lecture on "Modes of deformation of solids" to Earth Scientists, 2 March 1965.
H.51. VESIAC Special Advisory Conference on Current Status and Future Prognosis for Understanding the Source Mechanism of Shallow Seismic Events in the 3 to 5 Magnitude Range, La Jolla, 22-24 March. Frank led a discussion on "The physics of earthquake sources". Correspondence with organisers; programme; abstracts; Frank's introduction to the discussion.
H.52. Miscellaneous background material.
1965 H.53. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique International Colloquium on Adsorption et Croissance Cristalline, Pont-à Mousson, Nancy, 6-12 June, Correspondence with organisers re arrangements; programme; memorabilia
H.54. British Ceramic Society and Netherlands Ceramic Society 3rd Joint Meeting on Science of Ceramics, Bristol University, 5 8 July. Invitation; programme (with manuscript calculations on back).
1966 H.55. Upper Mantle Committee Symposium on Non-Elastic Processes in the Mantle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 21-25 February 1966 (rearranged from 13-19 October 1965). Correspondence re arrangements; programmes; draft of Frank's contribution to discussion, etc.
H.56, H.57. Symposium on areas for further research in polymer technology, Loughborough, 31 March - 2 April.
H.56. Correspondence with organisers re arrangements; programme; list of participants; abstracts; transcript and "tidy version" of Frank's remarks.
H.57. Duplicated typescript text of symposium proceedings.
H.58, H.59. Società Italiana di Fisica meeting on European collaboration in physics, Pisa, 16-17 April.
H.58. Correspondence re arrangements; programmes; reports of Working Groups. For Frank's report see Bibliog. 87 (D.69).
H.59. Conference handbook.
H.60. Battelle Institute colloquium on Phase Stability in Metals and Alloys, Geneva and Villars, Switzerland, May. Frank chaired a discussion on Liquids and defect solids. Draft of Frank's remarks; for photographs of Frank taken during discussion and group photograph of colloquium see A.96.
1967 H.61, H.62. NATO Advanced Study Institute on The Application of Modern Physics to the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Newcastle-upon Tyne, 29 March - 4 April. Frank spoke on "Diamonds and deep fluids in the upper mantle" (Bibliog. 99).
H.61. General information; list of participants; draft of Frank's contribution; correspondence re publication of proceedings.
H.62. Conference handbook.
H.63. Royal Astronomical Society discussion on Earthquake Mechanism, London, 28 April. Frank spoke on "Fracture mechanics of the earthquake source". Correspondence re arrangements.
H.64. Visit to USA, July-September. Frank visited the USA as consultant to the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Co. While in the US Frank visited several research centres including the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Los Angeles and the Earthquake Mechanisms Laboratory, San Francisco. He also attended the 16th Annual Denver X-ray Conference on Applications of X-ray Analysis. Correspondence and manuscript notes re arrangements; itinerary; programme for Denver conference.
Invitation for 1967 H.65. Invitation to spend a school year at Northwestern University, IL.
1968 H.66. Official Founding Ceremony of the European Physical Society, Geneva, 26 September. Correspondence re arrangements. Frank combined a holiday in Czechoslovakia, Austria and northern Italy with attendance at the Ceremony. He also briefly attended the Tremezzo course on ceramic science and technology (E.21-E.27).
1969 H.67-H.71. Conference on Industry and the Science Graduate, Bristol, 25 27 March. The conference was proposed by Frank and organised with the Department of Extra-Mural Studies. Frank was a joint chairman and spoke on "What industry desires from the universities".
H.67. Correspondence with possible participants, 1968.
H.68. Correspondence with G. Cunliffe, Director of Extra-Mural Department, 1968-69.
H.69. Draft programme and conference handbook.
H.70. Correspondence re publication of proceedings. Includes extensively corrected draft of C.F. Powell's summing-up.
H.71. Conference Report.
H.72. European Physical Society Inaugural Conference on The Growth Points of Physics, Florence, 8-12 April. Notice; addendum to list of participants; letter from Czechoslovak Journal of Physics re interview during the conference.
H.73. Société Française de Physique Colloquium on Liquid Crystals, Montpellier, 5-7 June. Provisional programme annotated by Frank with train times between Paris and Montpellier.
H.74-H.76. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Microsymposium on Rheology of Polymer Solids and Concentrated Solutions, Prague, 1-4 September. Frank chaired a session.
H. 74. Symposium handbook.
H.75. Information re Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry.
H.76. Miscellaneous memorabilia.
H.77. Symposium on the Hydrology of Glaciers, Cambridge, 7-13 September. Frank spoke on "The hydrology of the intergranular veins in a temperate glacier" (with J.F. Nye). Letter from organisers; photocopy of Frank and Nye's paper; transcript of Frank's contribution to the general discussion.
Invitations for 1969 H.78. Conference on The Chemistry of Extended Defects in Non-Metallic Solids, Phoenix, AZ, 20-25 April. Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Dislocation Theory, Spring 1967 (subsequently rearranged for 28 April - 2 May 1969). International Conference on Growth and Characterization of Electronic Materials, Chania, Crete, 1-14 June . Gordon Conference on Physical Metallurgy, Seattle, WA, 7-11 July. International Conference on Quantitative Relations between Properties and Microstructure, Haifa, Israel, 27 July - 1 August. AEI Scientific Apparatus Ltd. Symposium on New Techniques in Materials Analysis, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, 1 October. |