Description | Section F: Societies and Organisations, F.1-F.380
This is the largest section in the collection. It documents Frank's association with 44 British, overseas and international organisations including the Faraday Society, the Institute of Physics, the International Organisation of Crystal Growth, the Pugwash movement, the Royal Society and the Science Research Council. Frank was also involved with a number of local, Bristol institutions including Badminton School, the Bristol Municipal Charities and Queen Elizabeth's Hospital school. The material is presented in an alphabetical sequence and covers both British and overseas organisations.
List of Contents F.1-F.3 - Academic Council for Peace and Freedom (ACPF) F.4-F.7 - Atomic Scientists Association F.8-F.21 - Badminton School Bristol F.22-F.35 - Bristol Municipal Charities F.36 - Bristol Nuclear Freeze Council F.37-F.44 - Bristol Association for Crystal Growth (BACG) F.45-F.47 - Chelsea College London -- Chemical Society (See Faraday Society) F.48-F.53 - Comite de Direction du Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universite de Paris-Sud F.54 - Department of Scientific and Industrial Research F.55 - Electronics Research Council F.56 - English-Speaking Union F.57, F.58 - Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA) F.59 - European Physical Society F.60-F.72 - Faraday Society/Chemical Society F.73, F.74 - Foreign Office F.75 - Governing Bodies Association F.76 - Greenland Club F.77 - Greenpeace F.78 - Home Office F.79-F.85 - Institute of Metals/Metals Society F.86-F.115 - Institute of Physics F.116-F.175 - International Organisation of Crystal Growth (IOCG) F.176, F.177 - International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) F.178-F.184 - International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) F.185 - King’s College London F.186, F.187 - Material Science Club -- Metals Society (See Institute of Metals) F.188-F.191 - Ministry of Defence F.192 - Ministry of Supply F.193 - Molecular Crystals Discussion Group F.194 - National Academy of Engineering F.195-F.203 - National Physical Laboratory F.204 - Physical Society F.205-F.250 - Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs F.251-F.296 - Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital Bristol F.297 - Red Maids School Bristol F.298 - Royal Radar Establishment Malvern F.299-F.343 - Royal Society F.344 - Royal Society of Arts F.345-F.375 - Science Research Council (SRC) F.376-F.378 - Standing Conference of Professors of Physics F.379, F.380 - West of England Metals and Materials Association |