
Ref NoDM1306/11/1/1/folio 422-425
TitleLetter from James Simpson to Isambard Kingdom Brunel and a copy of a letter and an article by H. Walduck on his patented design for screw propellers
DescriptionWritten from Great George Street, London. The letter introduces Simpson's friend Mr Walduck who is interested in screw propulsion. Simpson's letter is followed by a copy of a letter from H. Walduck to James Simpson dated 21 February 1855 hoping that Simpson will pass on Walduck's patented propeller design to Brunel and offering to show Brunel his ideas, either through the drawings or by showing him the model prototype. The letter also encloses an extract from the Illustrated News of 17 February 1855 announcing that H Walduck has patented improvements to screw propellers intended to remedy the well documented loss of power caused by the screw blades throwing off the water from the propeller faces. An illustrated plate from the journal with two sets of diagrams shows Walduck's design has been pasted underneath the extract.
Date21 February 1855
FormatManuscript volume
Extent4 pages





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