Ref No | DM1306/11/1/1/folio 193-194 |
Title | Letter from William Walker to Isambard Kingdom Brunel |
Description | Written from Mutley near Plymouth. The letter acknowledges receipt of Brunel's previous letter and comments that an iron ship of the size that Brunel plans will cause considerable difficulty with the ship's compasses but offers ways that this can be counteracted. Walker promises to assist Brunel if possible but explains that he needs exact knowledge of the ship which he will only really be able to get once the hull is built. The letter also requests a drawing of the proposed hull and comments on the observatory that Brunel is considering building on the ship and the importance of the positioning of this observatory and the instruments that should be used, including a deviation standard compass which should reduce or indicate errors of inclination which he blames for the loss of the ship the Tayleur and the stranding of the S.S. Great Britain. |
Date | 11 March 1854 |
Format | Manuscript volume |
Extent | 2 pages |
Thumbnail | 

Access Conditions | This material is held at the Brunel Institute - please contact the Brunel Institute to arrange access. |